Reduction in Military Reduces Navy Size

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by hoytedow, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. michael pierzga
    Joined: Dec 2008
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    The best way to cure Adventurism is war. The US has never had a war.
  2. bntii
    Joined: Jun 2006
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    bntii Senior Member

    Kidding right?

    Or to put it other words: if that is the "best way" it is hardly any cure at all given the history of nations and their mechanization...
  3. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    No, Not kidding


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  4. Boston

    Boston Previous Member

    Its pretty obvious it starts at the bottom and has to work its way up. The old guard has to die off and the new generation has to bring its ideas forward on how to create a better world. We chose peace by realizing that our actions have reactions. There's a reason for the deficit, these two wars that would never have happened if we hadn't meddled in middle eastern way back in the 50's. I think the Arab community would probably have settled into a far more peaceful relationship with Israel had we not sent the CIA into Iran or created Husein and set the Arabs on each other.

    Sure some might say our enemies are better off fighting each other rather than us but think about what makes them enemies in the first place and maybe they wouldn't be considering fighting us in the first place. Our actions have reactions

    Isolating one event without considering all events leading up to that point ( ignoring history ) is a great way to establish short term thinking and knee jerk reactions, but there's a bigger picture, which needs be considered.

    I don't think its a mater of saving face, as much as its a mater of correcting a half century of failed policies. Even now, once the Saudi regime fails, which it must, we have no real plan of action other than maybe war. But, were we to practice a little of what we preach and maybe act towards them as we would like them to act towards us then we might just not find ourselves in the unenviable position we're going to be in, eventually. These two wars are just the beginning of a fire we lit by deposing the elected ruler of Iran so many years ago.

    Maybe if our president had the balls to go on air and recount our actions in that theatre and admit our mistakes, suggest that we realize now what an error in policy it was not to allow both our nations to prosper, then maybe we might start building a little trust. Or are we just going to throw a few more bombs at each other and carry on biz as usual.

    We are an occupying force as far as they are concerned, so what if we selectively un occupy a few key areas ( like Saudi for instance ) and check the reaction. If it doesn't work out we could always just move back in and if it does we'd save money and heartache. Might end the whole thing right then and there. Not sure you guys actually know any vets, other than maybe Troy who's kid I don't think is deployed yet. But to a man everyone of them I know all say the exact same thing. Get the hell out of there and let them govern themselves, they are pissed off not because we overthrew the Taliban but because we occupy there country after we did it. If the Taliban comes back in, then we spend a week or so and trash them again, then leave. Leaving being the key component.

    Sounds really trendy and trite but its got merit

    lets give peace a chance
    lets practice that golden rule I keep hearing so much about.

  5. Yobarnacle
    Joined: Nov 2011
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    You and I are less concerned about saving face as saving our Arse which we view is in a crack, and the jaws of the vice are tightening!
    But there are many in power feel differently. They'd ride us over the cliff before they'd dismount and surrender the reins!
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