Redesigning windshield/extend front roof trawler style.

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by the brain, May 18, 2017.

  1. the brain
    Joined: Sep 2016
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    the brain Senior Member

    Redesigning windshield/extend front roof trawler style.

    I would like to not duckdown when entering the cuddeis V-birth.

    What do you Guy’s think of relocating bulkhead?

    Thanks TB

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  2. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    anyone w/advice
  3. kapnD
    Joined: Jan 2003
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    kapnD Senior Member

    No problem, just remove the windshield frame and flip it over, then extend the roof, some good used green fiberglass roof panels should do nicely!
    The bulkhead is a piece of cake, once you get done extending a couple of wires and cables, you can spray it camo, and it will look like a million beers.
    "she's a beaut, Clark!"
  4. the brain
    Joined: Sep 2016
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    the brain Senior Member

    fiberglass roof panels on a aluminm boat excellent suggestion.

    spray it camo what so I can be like you?

    "she's a beaut" that runs 52knts w/ 175hp

    clark plan is to cut and the middle roof, then lower aft. of roof tilt forth of roof.

    i will then have a more desireable taller windshield (this vessel has limited visability)

    the bow will be split down middle spread it will look like a 80s Bayline crusier w/ wider hatch I can fit though.

    this plan maynot look right since the SC bow is very short. I'll fad some card board to get a general idea.

    plan b will be a opened bow for anchor box and large cooler either way I'm redsigning front. so any real usefull advice is appreciated.

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  5. the brain
    Joined: Sep 2016
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    the brain Senior Member

    I like a mixture of 80s bayliner/modern Hews trawler.

    plan to reuse/relocate bulkhead here in pink

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    Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
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