Recommendation for power multihull (trimaran)

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by supernova_fun, Feb 17, 2016.

  1. supernova_fun
    Joined: Jun 2009
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    supernova_fun Junior Member

    hello, My name is ozgur from Turkey, I had previously refurbished mastercraft prostar 190 from wreck ( It was 5 years ago and now I want to use my Engine,Drive and shaft on a new project that I want to build from Aluminium or Steel in my workshop. Currently I have a steyr236 engine and transmission and shaft and prop and the steering system. I am thinking to strip the mastercraft and refit the newhull.

    I need recommendation of tested model from 7-9 meter ,High deck, planning multiuse with a small cabin model ,possibly with center console.

    I am looking for opinion and suggestion to start my project.


  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Why trimaran ?
  3. HJS
    Joined: Nov 2008
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    HJS Member

    ....because the trimaran is the only form in which all the properties can be optimized to each other. The trimaran has minimal drag in relation to the total weight, extremely smooth ride in waves and the desired stability where it is really needed. Everything can be optimized in a way which is not possible with any other type of boats.


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  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    I might be dumb, but those views don't define that hull shape very well. HJS.
  5. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    I wouldn't give 20c for those so called power tris with a narrow gutted look and vestigial tiny little wings aft, no appeal whatsoever. A rectangular plan hull with tunnels that don't disappear aft is a form that deserves a lot more attention. But getting it right in a planing hull has defeated many attempts.
  6. HJS
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    HJS Member

    The enclosed picture shows another hull shape designed for lower relative speeds, and inboard engine.
    This boat was designed for a customer in SE Asia.


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  7. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    I doubt that kind of hull is a viable proposition for what the OP envisages.

  8. HJS
    Joined: Nov 2008
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    HJS Member

    You're absolutely right. 236 horsepower is just too much in a 7-9 meter trimaran. I just wonder how fast he wants to run. Normally, we start by determining the payload and speed to then design the boat. Then you get to determine the appropriate powertrain.

    When I designing my trimarans I start from my more than fifty years of experience in multihulls, many towed models, hundreds of pages of reports and much more. All decisions are based on experience and sophisticated methods of calculation, not guesswork. This is especially true, of course, on the "tiny" side hulls.

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