Recomend a Naval Architecture Textbook

Discussion in 'Education' started by MattZ, Sep 8, 2009.

  1. MattZ
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    MattZ Junior Member

    I'm an engineering physics/electrical engineering student that would one day like to design and build my own boat. (Probably like 10-15 years down the road. There's no room in my academic schedule for a course in nav)al architecture, nonetheless I would like to learn a little bit about with some academic rigor.

    Is there anybody out there who could recommend a good second or third year university level textbook for naval architecture?
  2. marshmat
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    Try Larsson/Eliasson "Principles of Yacht Design". It's a good starting point and sufficiently thorough to get you excited for more exotic fare (I got my copy when I was in 2nd/3rd year eng.phys, it's a concise and easy read for someone with your background).

    Also look at Dave Gerr's technical handbooks ("Elements of Boat Strength", "Propeller Handbook", etc.), all of which are quite useful and inexpensive by textbook standards.

    The original Skene's "Elements of Yacht Design" is a fun read; I'm not such a fan of the Kinney revision though.

    C.A. Marchaj wrote a few thorough, engineering-heavy treatises on sail performance, seaworthiness and other aspects of design; of course, guru writings come with a guru price tag.

    There's a giant, horrifically expensive reference manual on naval architecture published by SNAME that is frequently cited by some of the pro designers as being a sort of "book of everything", I'd love to see a copy but can't afford it right now.
  3. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect


    Introduction to Naval Architecture, by Rawson & Tupper
    Principals of Naval Architecture, SNAME publication....which is not expensive Matt, well compared to some of the other books I have it is cheap!!

    But it really depends what you want from your book. Many of those posted above are good 'practical' books on design boats. Just enough theory to make things comprehensible. But if you're after more in depth, then i recommend these two.

    There are some other wonderful books, which i also have, but sadly out of print now...too old!
  4. yipster
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    yipster designer

    this old man is now reading "Yacht Designing and Planning" by Howard I. Chapelle
    lovely easy to read old book from the library that covers all basics early last century
    i doubt many of us still use ruling pens and drawingboard but many like retro boats
    in the masthead banner try the boatdesign bookstore and check amazon for reviews
    read many books and with i-net and this forum is IMHO the way without NA course
  5. DEboater
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    DEboater Naval Architect

    You can't go wrong with Introduction to Naval Architecture, Thomas Gillmer & Bruce Johnson. I have SD&C, PNA, etc, these are all more industry reference books, not textbooks.
  6. oralpiskin
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    oralpiskin Junior Member

    hi every one ı must immediately find a PDF or WORD file gives about what IMO II CHEMICAL TANKER CARRIES. I am waiting for ur supports...
  7. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    Istanbul ITU University, Ayazağa, Maslak!:D
  8. abhishek
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    abhishek Junior Member

    u refer basic principles of naval architecture, rossen anad tupper and taggart for ship design and construction and eyeres for ship construction
  9. Jenny Giles
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    Jenny Giles Perpetual Student

    Principles of Naval Architecture has been mentioned. I heard a rumour last year that it was being updated and revised. From memory, Prof. J N. Newman and some others at MIT were involved in the revision.
  10. froudedude
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    froudedude Junior Member

    The PNA is a little hard to understand without study but IS the boat on naval architecture. I good starter is Gillmer and Johnson Introduction to Naval Architecture.
  11. zeroname
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    zeroname Naval Architect

    As you are not studying NA in school .. so At first to get the overall knowledge about the ship and its structure and stability .. i will recommend you two following books.. the books i liked because of its colorful picture , easy to understand for any newbie.

    Ship Knowledge (6th edition)

    and for stability info
    Ship stability

    i think,,PNA will be harder for you.

    Last edited: Apr 11, 2010
  12. conceptia
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    conceptia Naval Architect

    zeroname is correct. the first book I'd recommend is Ship knowledge. It makes the subject more interesting with colourful pictures. You can get a soft copy of this book at rapidshare and 4shared. Just give a try.
  13. zeroname
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    zeroname Naval Architect

    or you can send me pm for the book ship knowledge.. if u need.
  14. HReeve
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    HReeve Junior Member

    PNA is being revised, and issued one chapter at a time, to eventually make up a box set. The first 2 or 3 chapters have been released. Randy Pauling of UC Berkeley is leading the effort for SNAME.

    I highly recommend "Applied Naval Architecture" by Zubaly, published by SNAME. It covers all the essential areas without getting to far into the weeds (as PNA does). It has worked examples, plus problems at the end of each chapter (with an answer key at the end).

  15. MBM
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    MBM Junior Member

    Basic ship theory 1 & 2. Also,... Teach yourself Naval Architecture by Brian Baxter..... This book is like a bible for the beggining ship designer to get thier feet on the ground with all the terminology and the physics at basic levels. A must have for all.
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