Realistic sell price? 6cylinder 125hp Ford Lehman diesel

Discussion in 'Diesel Engines' started by SpiritWolf15x, Oct 10, 2011.

  1. SpiritWolf15x
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    SpiritWolf15x Senior Member

    Hey everyone, I have a 6cylinder 125hp Ford Lehman diesel engine that I'm wanting to sell. I has less than 4800 hours on it, runs beautifully and starts on the 2nd or 3rd crank.

    How much could I realistically get for it if I were to sell it?

  2. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Who knows...very difficult to sell old engines. The local engine shop has a whole room full of them. They generally hang on the engine for a year or so to see if anyone bites, them ship them off for scrap metal. Put an advetisment in a fishermans co op newsletter and see what kind of offers you get. Most recreational boatowners simply never change an engine during the life cycle of ownership.
  3. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Ha--just last Saturday I finally after 15 years got fed up with looking at a perfectly good Nissan 90HP I took it apart so I could get it in the back of the truck and cleaned as much alluminium off it and seperated metals. 153Kilo I got about 100us for it.

    It didnt run but thats the beauty of scrap --it dont need to.

    Pump, injectors everything Oh nearly broke my heart.
  4. SpiritWolf15x
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    SpiritWolf15x Senior Member

    I'd rather not scrap it if I can...
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  6. slow fred
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  7. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Its worth nothing if the buyer is more than 100miles away. posting or collecting isnt free. when youve kept it for 12 years and get fed up of taking skin of your ankle do what I did,--- scrap it.
  8. kevinsbacon
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    kevinsbacon New Member

    Did ever figure out what you want to do with your motor? What is the engine code on it E, F, G, H, or I.
  9. guy plain
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  10. SpiritWolf15x
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    SpiritWolf15x Senior Member

    I tried to salvage the boat, got down to the hull and pretty much lost the will to go further, ended up scrapping the carcass, got about three grand for the lot of it.

    This was in the latter part of last year though.
  11. guy plain
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    guy plain Junior Member

    what was the hull ? old fish boat? if so what was its name?
    engine prices seen to be what ever some ones willing to pay around vancouver. theres a I/L 6-71 on craigslist for $ Vic theres a small volvo for $3000...and i missed a volvo turbo diesel running for $1700 with gear....i can not remember the model now...
    alot depends on how it looks /engine hours/if you can start it for a buyer ....
  12. SpiritWolf15x
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    SpiritWolf15x Senior Member

    Was an old west coast trawler, always a cruiser, never a fish boat. She was called Quimaris.
  13. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    The Hino EH700 looks very similar to a Lehman and in my opinion preferable.

    180 HP and ticks like a clock --ubiquitous in Thai marine applications.
  14. slow fred
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    slow fred Junior Member

    I learned a new word today. Ubiquitous=existing or being everywhere at the same time. Thanks Frosty

  15. ErikdeJong
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    ErikdeJong Junior Member

    I have the same engine but without the turbo charger and therefore 100hp. Built in 1979 and it had run 35.000 hours. A complete overhaul was done in 2006 and it had run 3500 hours since than. It came with a fairly new velvet drive (hydraulic).

    I paid $3800 for the whole package, including flexible mounts, external cooling water pump for the exhaust, first part of the exhaust run with a stainless expansion joint, water injector a whole bunch of spare filters and impellers.
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