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Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by hoytedow, Jan 15, 2018.

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  1. Yobarnacle
    Joined: Nov 2011
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    lovely docks, Hoyt. You put a lot of work into them.
  2. hoytedow
    Joined: Sep 2009
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    All the work was really done by Brian Barrie.
    Angélique, où es-tu?
  3. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    More of the dock by him. He did the boatlift also. 20181221_100209.jpg 20200403_105905.jpg
  4. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Cristóbal brought us higher than usual tides but that's weather for you. 20200607_135218_HDR.jpg
  5. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    The pavers were done last week.
  6. Yobarnacle
    Joined: Nov 2011
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    Looks beautiful
  7. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Thanks. Lots of rain headed this way.
  8. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    The bananas love the rain coming off the Gulf and capture a lot of CO2.
  9. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    They are composed of tough fiber. It is no accident manilla rope is made from banana fiber.
  10. Yobarnacle
    Joined: Nov 2011
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    The very first manila rope wasn't an accident of nature? Somebody invented manila rope? Prove it! Name the inventor!
  11. A II
    Joined: Jun 2020
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    A II no senior member → → I wish

    Wanna say Hi to all my forum buddies, and say I'm OK, hope the same goes for all those posting here, and the ones not posting anymore, although the latter is hard to know.

    Somehow I was handy enough (hence the new avatar) to lose my password to these forums, and the connected e-mail account, so now I'll go by ‘‘A II’’, there's no proof of that, so this is only for believers . . :)

    [​IMG] handy person thumbs up.jpg

    Angélique, aka Angel (only by name)
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    P.S. - I've put my old avatar back up, after I've found the Coble still floating around on these forums, info 22 posts beyond here, in post #108 of this thread.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Rope was invented long before written history, Neanderthals made rope from whatever fibers they could lay their hands on, and they've used it as such.

    BBC News - April 13, 2020 - 50,000-year-old string found at France Neanderthal site

    After inventing rope and how to make fire the Neanderthals discovered how to survive inside humans through their DNA, and now they rule the world from inside . . :eek:

    New Scientist (Dutch version) - Februari 6, 2020 - ‘‘We hebben veel meer Neanderthaler-DNA dan gedacht’’ ‘‘We have much more Neanderthal DNA than we thought’’

    This was all rediscovered for humans by the Jimmy Castor Bunch in 1972 . . .

    National Geographic Science - January 30, 2020 - You may have more Neanderthal DNA than you think
    ‘‘ A new model upends old assumptions, revealing more Neanderthal ancestry for both modern Africans and Europeans than once thought. ’’
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2020
  12. Yobarnacle
    Joined: Nov 2011
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    Great to see your post, Angélique!!

    Hoyt helped me recover my account after I lost email and password.
    I would be willing to vouch you are who you claim to be.
    Contact admin, I recommend!
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2020
  13. Yobarnacle
    Joined: Nov 2011
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    My "Who invented rope? Wasn't it originally natural?" was tongue in cheek, but an underlying thought was vines were the original cordage, and grow naturally, of course. I suspect rope making and knots predated basket weaving, which predated and led to weaving of cloth and textiles. Even invention of papyrus paper, a woven and beaten flat, assembly of reeds.


    This article is of interest.

    The History of Ropes and Knots - free article courtesy of
  14. A II
    Joined: Jun 2020
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    A II no senior member → → I wish

  15. Yobarnacle
    Joined: Nov 2011
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    Many decades ago, I read a true account of building Bahamian sloops in the past, and I recall it was in the book by Howard I Chapelle, "American Small Sailing Craft", I think. I once owned a copy of every book he published, but my nautical library of hundreds of books, was ruined by black mold. Pitched in the dumpster for the worms to read.
    The builder visited groves of trees, of a wood variety locally called, "Horse Flesh". He selected natural crooks and curved limbs, to match the design in his head. The wood was harvested, nailed and pegged together into framework, planked and decked. The sail from his old boat was recycled to the new hull. The old hull was sold. Such is my memory of the account. My memory may also becoming mouldy!
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2020
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