Re doing the toe rail

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by J 29 Guy, Feb 15, 2012.

  1. J 29 Guy
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    J 29 Guy Junior Member

    Re doing the T Track Toe rail

    On my J 29 I have the anodized toe rail (T Track) what is the best way to make it look like new. Can I paint it?

  2. Stumble
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    Stumble Senior Member

    Re anodizing is preferable, not very expensive, and it will look like new.
  3. J 29 Guy
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    J 29 Guy Junior Member

    Was wondering if I would get that answer I really did not want to take it off, I have done it and it is a pain.

  4. Stumble
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    Stumble Senior Member

    You can see if someone locally does brush anodizing. Which is the same process, but with portable equipment. I have never done it, but assuming there is a professional available, they may be able to do it in place.
  5. J 29 Guy
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    J 29 Guy Junior Member

    You have to remember that it is really T Track and that it is 30 years of sun baked and weathered.

  6. PAR
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    If you elect to paint it, you'll have to remove it for a good job, which is the same for anodizing. You could paint or anodize in place, but the most important places to receive the new coating will be covered up. If this is just a cosmetic upgrade to sell the old gal, then paint it, after a neatly taping off the area. If you want a durable coating, particularly in the contact areas, remove it and have it anodized.
  7. J 29 Guy
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    J 29 Guy Junior Member

  8. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    On older Swans with the custom made toe rail extrusions I have painted them . Not the best solution because paint chips , so you are now trapped into a world of repainting the rail every few years. .

    The product called Lanocote ....lanoline....that you buy in ships store is very effective at restoring the anodized aluminum finish. you use it like shoe polish...spread a thin layer on with a rag square, then polish off after a few minutes. The finish will stay bright fo a month or more. Its easy to use . Ive only ever use the lanocoat cream that comes in a toothpaste tube.

    Vaseline is also effective if Lanocoat is unavailable in your region.
  9. J 29 Guy
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    J 29 Guy Junior Member

    I just happen to have some of the toe rail T Track from a J 29 I cut up with my Saw Zaw. So I used some soft scrub cleaned it up some and then just wiped 2 foot section with some Vaseline and this is the look I am looking for and will look for the Lanoncoat which might do a better job.

    Thanks C Rock

  10. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    And before you seat the ss fasteners polish their heads on a polishing wheel. mirror finish. This polishing removes all the fine scratches so that the ss head wont corrode or dis colour.

    To polish the heads take a strip of thick plywood or timber....drill a dozen appropriate holes in a straight line...screw the fasteners into the wood so only heads protrude then run them over the polish wheel. Only takes a minute of two to polish a dozen
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