Re-design and Re-building the Bismarck (University final year project)

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by SteamPanzer95, Aug 31, 2024.

  1. SteamPanzer95
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    SteamPanzer95 New Member


    I am new to this forum, looking for both basic and deeply technical information on the famous German battleship, Bismarck.

    My aim is to gather technical and scientific information about this ship, then recreate it rigorously in an ambitious university project and, subsequently, publish it as a book to attract naval enthusiasts to the world of engineering.

    My intention is not to win any prize for it, nor to get an honours degree for it. I just want to do it for the love of technical art and history.
    I know it sounds contradictory. Asking for help for an ambitious job and it being for the sheer love of art. But that's how I am, a dreamer and enthusiast of the naval world. That's why I'm training as a Naval Architect.

    In order to fulfill my purpose, that of doing an original university work and later publishing it as a technical book, I will need all the information possible:

    - I already have the structural technical plans and general arrangement of the battleship Bismarck, from a file that part of this was downloadable content.

    - Books or copies of books on German naval architecture (I found almost nothing anywhere that I know of)

    - Schematics, diagrams and tabulations of propulsion plant and armament.

    - Blueprints of weapons and ammunition.

    And I think that's all. If anyone offers to help me, I welcome such help. Otherwise, ignore this thread.

    All with the aim of redesigning and rebuilding the Bismarck, just as it was done at that time with the greatest precision.
    It sounds difficult, laborious and crazy. But that's the fun of it.

    Please help me, kindly, to carry out this project.
    Greetings and have a good summer.
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

  3. Rumars
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  4. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Welcome to the forums SteamPanzer95.

    If you are really interested in a "re-design" of the BISMARCK, I would suggest you get your hands on everything written by William H Garzke on the subject as he was involved in several analysis of the loss and the subsequent wreckage. FWIW, almost all German WWII capital ship classes had significant structural issues around the rudder room, resulting in the loss several ships sterns across multiple classes of ships. A "re-design" will have to address this fatal problem.
    DogCavalry likes this.
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