Racking Strength

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by ShafiqToha, Mar 30, 2011.

  1. ShafiqToha
    Joined: Mar 2011
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    ShafiqToha Junior Member

    Does anyone have any reading materials on methods used to achieved required racking strength? (mainly concerning the superstructure)
  2. MikeJohns
    Joined: Aug 2004
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    MikeJohns Senior Member

    I'm not sure what you are after. Is this for a ship? and what wracking loads, direct wave loads on the superstructure ?
  3. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

  4. ShafiqToha
    Joined: Mar 2011
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    ShafiqToha Junior Member

    Sorry. Will keep that in mind.
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