quick gelcoat repair-waxed multi spray?

Discussion in 'Materials' started by ianmoore, Nov 16, 2021.

  1. ianmoore
    Joined: Nov 2021
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    ianmoore Junior Member


    I hope this isn't too clumsy of a post. I've done a ton of research and kind of going around in circles. I initially sprayed the above waterline hull on my '59 Glasspar. It came out ok(no awards but mostly worked!). I now have it up on blocks and gonna spray below waterline.

    I have a small area where I had some peeling(sprayed outside and think some moisture got in). It's about 2x2 and I thought it would be good to start there, before I work on spraying a bigger section. I can dial in my gun and make sure everything is working right.

    With the small area, would i be better off trying to do it in 1 pass, putting some wax in gelcoat and doing 3 quickish passes before it flashes, or should i do a couple of waxless passes, give it a couple of hours between, and then do a final waxed? I hate wasting materials and its such a small amount per pass.

    Thanks for any thoughts or advise.

  2. ondarvr
    Joined: Dec 2005
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    You can do it all at one time.
  3. ianmoore
    Joined: Nov 2021
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    ianmoore Junior Member

    Thanks- I’ll mix up some waxed gel coat with 10% MeK and give it a go!
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