Quick, Easy 3-Man Canoe Plans

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Submarine Tom, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    I'm entering a fun, four hour, plywood, 3-man boat build challenge this summer.

    I'm looking for plans for a plywood boat that could be built for less than

    $100 US in a couple of hours by three people with only hand tools.

    Surprisingly I didn't find much on Google or searching this forum.

  2. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member

    12 man hours?

    A ten foot sheet of ply, bent into place (slightly), held there by rip stop nylon. Use the nylon to form bow and stern.

    Then epoxy. Let dry.

    I think the reason you won't find much is simple.

    It does not make a usable canoe ..... for more than your competition.
  3. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member

    Of course, if you wanted a slightly better one, special order some marine grade 3mm in a 4' by 20' sheet. Use a hand saw to trim the corner round, or order it that way - CNC.

    Of course, the easiest way to form bow and stern would be straight up and down - second and third sheet.

    More stitch and glue. More money .... but, more seaworthy ....
  4. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    No, not 12 man hours, 6, we need some practice time on the water.

    No special orders and likely no ply other than 4' X 8' sheets.

    I have some ideas but plans would be better.
  5. midnitmike
    Joined: Apr 2012
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    midnitmike Senior Member

    Something like this might be applicable if scaled up from a one sheet design.


  6. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member

    Check with a boyscout ....

    They have one for one of their badges.
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  7. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member

  8. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    You could take a look at O'briens Six Hour Canoe. It can be made cheap and dirty or fancied up a little bit if you choose to keep it. Plan book was about ten dollars. Two sheets of ply and a few sticks for chine log and sheer clamp. Has only one frame. Can be double paddled, has 31 inch sheer beam and 24 inch bottom width, LOA 15-6
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  9. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    Ya, I found those today, thanks.

    Simplicity seems to be the key.

    I made a few scale models from paper today.

    Looks like I may just go with my own plan.

  10. Jet_Love
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    Jet_Love Junior Member

    Gorilla tape and sign board.
  11. PAR
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    All depends on the load it needs to carry and what you want it to do (tripper, straight line tracking, maneuverability, etc.). Contact me by email (click on my icon), as I have several various length and capacity canoes that will fit the bill. All plans for these, simple Lowe's/Depot material canoes are $55 or less.
  12. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    Load: 3 people and the boat with paddles so about 640 pounds, about ten cubic feet of sea water.

    About a seven inch draw on 15' canoe.

    Course is about 300 yards with two 120 degree turns around buoys.
  13. PAR
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    You'll want a long, relatively narrow canoe with a bit of rocker, so the turns will be quick.
  14. hoytedow
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    Good luck and post build photos(when it is done).

  15. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    Will do Hoyt, thanks.

    Hard to say whether blunt ends are going to be better for fast 120 degree turns or 16 foot canoe style for good speed.

    I'm going to go for canoe style and do some training with the crew on the actual course in a 16'er.

    There are a lot of entries on a small course, about 300 yards (meters) with two 120 degree turns.

    I think the long, narrow, needle nose canoe may be advantagous under those conditions.

    There is some pretty entertaining video from years gone by.

    I'll try and post some.
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