Question about initial loading condition(ICLL)

Discussion in 'Stability' started by yuyewuyuconan, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. yuyewuyuconan
    Joined: Nov 2009
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    yuyewuyuconan Junior Member

    The initial condition of loading defore flooding shall be determined as follws:
    (4)Fifty percent of the individual total capacity of all tanks and space fitted to contain consumabel liquids and stores is allowed for.It shall be assumed that for each type of liquid ,at least on transverse pir or a single center line tank has max free surface is the greatest;In each tank the center of gravity of the contents should be taken at the center of volume of the tank.the remaining tanks should be assumed either completely empty ro completely filled,and the distribution of cinsumable liquids between these tanks shall be effeected so as obtain the greatest possible height above the keel for the center of gravity.

    How can i understand (4) .

    for example :
    FOT1P 50T FSM 120 VG=3.0
    FOT1S 50T FSM 120 VG=3.0
    FOT2P 80T FSM 180 VG=2.0
    FOT2S 80T FSM 180 VG=2.0

    1>'Fifty percent of the individual total capacity of all tanks and space fitted to contain consumabel liquids and stores is allowed for'

    50% of the HFO is 130t

    FOT1P 50T FSM120 VG=3.0
    FOT1S 50T FSM120 VG=3.0
    FOT2P 15 FSM 0 VG=2.0
    FOT2S 15 FSM 0 VG=2.0
    2>;In each tank the center of gravity of the contents should be taken at the center of volume of the tank.the remaining tanks should be assumed either completely empty ro completely filled

    FOT1P 50T FSM120 VG=3.0
    FOT1S 50T FSM120 VG=3.0
    FOT2P 0 FSM 0 VG=2.0
    FOT2S 0 FSM 0 VG=2.0

  2. Ad Hoc
    Joined: Oct 2008
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    In otherwords....each tank.
  3. yuyewuyuconan
    Joined: Nov 2009
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    yuyewuyuconan Junior Member

    Thank you for your answer!
    This is a report by NAPA.But it is different from what you said.

    Attached Files:

  4. yuyewuyuconan
    Joined: Nov 2009
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    yuyewuyuconan Junior Member

    I've got it ,as the report.
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