pump piston powered boat

Discussion in 'Propulsion' started by liam@liamcurtin, Feb 11, 2016.

  1. Tiny Turnip
    Joined: Mar 2008
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    Tiny Turnip Senior Member

    Liam, where are you up to on the build for the boat itself?

    I have a prop driven pedal boat, converted from a Dart 18 catamaran, and I don't live very far away from you if I can be of any help. Here's a video of the boat:

  2. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    As a diagram it is correct. The design, as drawn, is very inefficient. There will be a lot of friction and turbulence. I have a basic understanding of it, but it is a specialized branch of engineering. For a more constant thrust, an impeller would be better. However, try to measure your muscle output for an hour or so. Any elliptical or bicycle exercise machine will give you watts produced.
  3. liam@liamcurtin
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    liam@liamcurtin Junior Member

    Thank you Gonzo I'll let you nknopw how things develop best wishes

  4. liam@liamcurtin
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    liam@liamcurtin Junior Member

    Thank you Tiny Turnip, I really like your pedal boat. We haven't started to build the boat yet but I'll let you know when we begin you would be very welcome to come and advise I live in Fallowfield Manchester best wishes

  5. Barry
    Joined: Mar 2002
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    Barry Senior Member

    It might be better to let the outlet go to atmosphere for more thrust
  6. Tiny Turnip
    Joined: Mar 2008
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    Tiny Turnip Senior Member

    If you haven't started to build, then if you have an interest in the performance of the boat, the single thing aside from the method of propulsion that will improve the achievable speed most is making the boat longer.

    It would be very simple and quick to make a 4.8m long squareish section hull skinny hull with outriggers for stability, from 2 sheets of 6mm ply and some sundry other bits and pieces that would give you ample buoyancy for one person.

    If you're not worried about the speed, then please disregard this.

  7. Steve W
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    Steve W Senior Member

    At the risk of coming across as a negative Nellie I doubt that what you propose will move the boat at all. I have a hand pump of similar piston dimensions that I use to pump up my RIB, a simple test with something like this could help determine if your idea is viable.
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