ProSurf3 - Mac & Parallel Mapping Errors

Discussion in 'Software' started by LorenzoTechSupport, Jan 30, 2025.

  1. LorenzoTechSupport
    Joined: Jan 2025
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    LorenzoTechSupport New Member

    Hello everyone,

    I work tech support at a few retirement communities and am having trouble solving a mapping issue with ProSurf3 through Parallel on a Mac. I have looked into the files mapping and have confirmed everything should be working correctly. The issue is only happening with one file and the rest work without a hitch.

    Has anyone had any experience with this sort of issue or have any experience with using Parallel to run ProSurf3? I have reached out to both companies and the only response I received from each was that it was a problem with the other companies software.

    Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
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