prop selection

Discussion in 'Props' started by pavel915, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. pavel915
    Joined: Nov 2006
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    pavel915 Senior Member

    I use bp-delta diagram for selection of propeller.
    But i want to make a program for selecting a propeller using bp-delta diagram. But as there are a lot of numerical data to handle there , it seems so hard to me to make a program using this diagram.
    I want to know, is there any polynomial representaion of the data of Bp-delta available? so that i can do my programming easily.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. quyetvtt46
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    quyetvtt46 Junior Member

    why don't you try to use KT-KQ-J diagram? it is easier Bp-denta. i have polynomial representaion of the data of KT-KQ-J. if you'd like, i will send to you and a programe what i wrote by using it.
  3. pavel915
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    pavel915 Senior Member

  4. pavel915
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    pavel915 Senior Member

    but I am not sure , wheather the polynomials are true for all conditions,
  5. quyetvtt46
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    quyetvtt46 Junior Member

    which conditions? Re? with z=3,4,5 it's reliable but z=2,6,7 it is not reliable. but it's acceptable. this's a programe what calculate Jopt,P/ can refer.

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  6. pavel915
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    pavel915 Senior Member

    The program is written in a language that i cant understand;
  7. quyetvtt46
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    quyetvtt46 Junior Member

    i changed it to english. you can give me your idea what i can refer to develop my programe. thanks!

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  8. Tongichi
    Joined: Jul 2011
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    Tongichi New Member

    If you can go back to this thread or not, I want to tell you that your software were in a big part of my Master Degree Dissertation in 2011. I could totally finish my propeller selection calculation in my dissertation from yours.

    Many Thanks,

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