Project: Convert Doghouse to Sundeck and update seat layout with bench

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by utskicat, Dec 26, 2015.

  1. utskicat
    Joined: Dec 2015
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    utskicat Junior Member

    So I am the proud new owner of a 1975 Fiberform 19' Monterey I/O closed-bow skiboat. She is in excellent condition for her age. She was given to us by a very close family friend for Christmas! 10 years ago, she was gutted and rebuilt with new stringers, foam and deck. A new Ford 351 Windsor replaced the old engine. They used the West Epoxy system when they did the rebuild on her. The carpet was replaced and the vinyl on the doghouse and cabin sidewalls was redone.

    I want to make a few modifications to update her a bit more. My plans include adding a teak swim platform with hinged area for outdrive when trimmed up. Add a tower. And lastly, I want to update the seating layout. She currently has the classic 70/80's layout of a doghouse engine cover, with 2 seats on either side, and 2 back-to-back style laydown seats forward.

    My plan is to replace the doghouse with a sundeck like more modern boats that runs across the full width of the transom. Then place 2 pedestal bucket chairs up front. On the front side of the new sundeck, I want to install a bench that wraps around to just behind the 2 new swivel chairs.

    Since the boat is 19' and the helm is so far forward with the closed bow, I think I will have plenty of room for this plan. I actually think it will open the boat up and be far more functional. I read a posting on iboats from an upholstery guy who said this layout is a wonderful idea on 18' boats and larger and yields a much more modern look and better space usage.

    Interestingly enough in the my research, I discovered that Fiberform used the same hull to make both the "Monterey" and their "Santa Catalina". The only difference was the seat layout. The Santa Catalina was actually made with the rear sundeck and wrap around bench seat. I have attached original factory pics below of both boats.

    I have spent the last few days scouring the interwebs for project stories about similar seating layout changes. I have found a number of posts saying people wanted to do it, but not much in the way of general how to stories for the DIYer or before/after pics. That leads me to a few questions for you guys!

    1) Does anyone have before/after pics of doghouse to sundeck conversion in an old boat like this?

    2) Does anyone have after pics of adding a tower to an old 70's or 80's stern drive I/O boat like this?

    2) Any suggestions tips on how to design the frame for the new sundeck and benches, best yet economical way to waterproof the new wood frame?

    3) Creative way to incorporate a built in cooler that isn't cheesy/cheap looking, but also doesn't cost a fortune?

    4) Best way to attach the new structure to the deck without creating a new hole for water to start rotting deck/stringers. I want to keep the last reno good for as many years as possible.

    Below you will find pics of my boat as it is now. Also are pics of a Santa Catalina for sale in California that has the seat layout I am aiming for, and a link to a blog of a guy who has a few pics of his doghouse/sundeck conversion on a slightly newer boat.

    Lastly, huge thanks to Bajansailor on these forums for help finding these original fiberform catalog pics. For other Fiberform owners, you can find the whole catalog for 1977 scanned and posted here:

    Reply away folks!!

    Blog post with a only before/after pics I've seen. Its a bow rider, so its more cramped than mine will be and its a much newer boat to begin with.
    See here: (note before pic at bottom of blog page)

    iBoats thread on the topic. Note Fireman431's comments several places.

    My boat, 1975 Fiberform 19' Monterey (actually 19' 2"):









    Fiberform marketing poster of by boat in 1975 (this was original paint job on my boat, its top and gunwales were painted white in early 90's:


    Fiberform catalog page on my boat (1977 model rear ladder):


    Boat in California I want to model seat layout that is using same hull/boat as mine: Fiberform 19' Santa Catalina




    1977 Catalina catalog page:


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    Last edited: Dec 27, 2015
  2. DanBoy
    Joined: Jun 2024
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    DanBoy New Member

    My 1975 20' Fiberform, powered by a 78 5.7L OMC240 and OMC800 Sterndrive! Love this boat!

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  3. fallguy
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    I’d use 20 pound coosa 1/2” for all of it.

    Mock it all up in 1/2” plywood; then use the plywood as templates.

    A good general rule is 24oz of glass will not pinhole leak. So, tab it all in with 1208.

    If you are not happy with the strength of any component; add db1200 to each side.

    I’d glass all exterior surfaces of the bench with 6 - 10 oz woven. You may need some spanners for the sundeck; I’d use coosa offcuts as wide as you have room for, but 1” minimum web and 2” minimum width (think I joist), epoxied with a 1208 tape each side.

    Open the benches from the sides; that way you are not messing with cushions to access.
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