problems with Rhino or computer in render

Discussion in 'General Computing' started by Ausiwik, Nov 9, 2007.

  1. Ausiwik
    Joined: May 2007
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    Ausiwik Junior Member

    Hi All
    I hope some one can throw light on this problem
    I'm using Rhino 2 and my models are progressing, (getting better )
    with more surfaces and so forth but now I'm not able to render properly in fact my computer seems to lock up. I can clear it most times by hitting escape but some times this has no effect
    This has been a progressive problem. As Iv made models more complicated (for me ) the render has got slower till now it even misses surfaces out.
    Iv checked CPU and it hits 100% usage and stays there when it stops
    I have an AMD Athelon 3000+ 1 gig ram and a 256mb radon video card. Is this insufficient (not according to rhino blurb, even good enough for version 4)
    I put in some more ram to make it 1.5 gig and it had no effect what so ever.
    I'm ok with getting new parts if needed but would like to be sure I'm going to fix the problem first. The computer works beaut for everything else even does video editing quite well. I am using XP home
    Thanks Ausiwik
  2. Sean Herron
    Joined: May 2004
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    Sean Herron Senior Member

    Surfaces Or Mesh


    If surfaces - change u/v degree

    If mesh - lower polygon count

  3. Ausiwik
    Joined: May 2007
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    Ausiwik Junior Member

    Hi Sean
    Thanks for getting back on this. Ill look at both things to night, however something tells me the file is corrupted or maybe the program is.
    I sent the same drawing to a friend with rhino explaining the problem his computer locked up as well and the file is only 650kb he is easily able to handle way larger files with similar computer setup to mine.
    I down load the trial version of rhino 4 and imported the base drawing I was having a problem with.
    I was then easily able to complete it and render it with out a problem so looks like its some what isolated I do have a mixture of surfaces and mesh I think, seems I use whatever puts it together (I have a lot to learn )
    Thanks anyhow the thing Ive been hung up on is a "Billabong hard dodger". Ill attach my blog its in hard dodgers (I can't seem to paste it here )
    Steve Marshall
  4. duluthboats
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    duluthboats Senior Dreamer

    The only thing that would lock up my old PC in Rhino 3 is reflective surfaces and more than one light source. Is your model sitting in water or do you have lots of shiny surfaces?
  5. kerosene
    Joined: Jul 2006
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    kerosene Senior Member

    also check you mesh settings - hoe dense is the polygon mesh when rendering. with wrong setting you are creating tons (millions) of un-necessary polygons.

    Your computer's specs are fine.

  6. Ausiwik
    Joined: May 2007
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    Ausiwik Junior Member

    Hi Guys Ill look at those things now I do have shiny surfaces all over with out good reason plus Ill check mesh settings
    Steve M
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