Problems on Solving Stability (MAXSURF)

Discussion in 'Stability' started by Yosrifal Tomi, Jul 13, 2019.

  1. Yosrifal Tomi
    Joined: Jul 2019
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    Yosrifal Tomi New Member

    Hi. I'm currently working on a project for designing an alternate design of a product carrier by MAXSURF. Everything looks fine until i analysed the stability. All the IMO and SOLAS criteria are accepted but it seems like i got a negative stability (negative corrected GM) on low heeling angle (30-40 degree approximate) on departure loadcase which is unusual for a product carrier. I've tried everything from looking up the modeler and hydrostatic parameters but nothing changed. I've tried to model the basis ship and it also give me the same result. I also tried a sample design and it give me the same result (negative corrected GM on approximate 30-40 degree). Anyone can explain what did i do wrong on the process?

    Here's the result of the analysis:

    Hydrostatic.PNG Stability.PNG GZ Curve.PNG
  2. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    This occurs when the ship has an initial list other than zero. That is, its initial center of gravity is not in the longitudinal plane.
  3. Alik
    Joined: Jul 2003
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    Alik Senior Member

    GM corrected with fluid is negative - did You check the tanks free surface size?

  4. Yosrifal Tomi
    Joined: Jul 2019
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    Yosrifal Tomi New Member

    Yes it's on small angle trim. But i figured out that it's MAXSURF behavior that shows your GMt corrected is negative after it reach the maximum GZ on an angle of heel. Thank's for replying!
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