problem about tribon

Discussion in 'Software' started by kogofingo, Nov 20, 2014.

  1. kogofingo
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    kogofingo Junior Member

    hi guys

    first, sorry about my poor english

    i want to make a model. there is a skeg under the hull. i have modeled both of them. but when i make them unite, there is a problem about making compartment. i can't close the skeg volume. so when i make a compartment at that point, its lower goes to the skegs base. but i want to make a compartment between the deck and the hull base.

    hope, i could explain my problem.
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I think you have explained very well. But I do not know why you want your compartment includes the skeg. Normally this does not give much additional volume and complicates construction, bilge piping, inspection, ... Can you tell us how you want to define compartment and for what purpose?
  3. kogofingo
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    kogofingo Junior Member

    thanks for help, TANSL

    But i couldnt explain it well. because i want to built a compartment that doesnt include the skeg. but there is a skeg there. and when i unite the hull and the skeg it happens a hole between them. i when i built a compartment it includes the skeg too. but i dont want this.
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I see. I do not know Tribon management, but you may want to define a new surface, a plane separating hull and skeg.
  5. kogofingo
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    kogofingo Junior Member

    i want to make a tank compartment there. also i have to built a skeg there. but when i unite them there is a entrance between them. so when i fill the tank it includes the skeg volume too. but i dont want it. i want them as a unite but also the skeg as a closed volume.
  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Yes, you already have explained that before. What I'm saying is that you add a surface, new, serving as top closure of the skeg. Ie, define the skeg as a closed enclosure by itself and then attach it to the hull.
  7. kogofingo
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    kogofingo Junior Member

    ok. i understand now. i will try it. thanks again.
  8. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    To define a tank normally you have to indicate that it is limited by the ship's sides, by two transverse planes at bow and stern, on a higher plan and a lower plan. Perhaps to define your tank has not taken this into account, for example, have not defined the lower plane. (This bottom plan does not need to be horizontal)
  9. kogofingo
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    kogofingo Junior Member

    that's right. and if i can close the top of the skeg volume(after the uniting operation of course) it will be lower surface of my compartment. that was the point i'm struggling and looking for help. i dont know how i can close that volume.
  10. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I think the only solution you have is to close these spaces, but do not know how you can do that in Tribon. Could you attach the file in dwg, dxf or igs format?. So I could have a look to try another solution.
  11. kogofingo
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    kogofingo Junior Member

    thanx TANSL,

    i have fixed it with a very interesting way. i made a deck at that point, and gave it sheer like hull's deep form. so that deck became a closing of my skeg volume and also a lower to my compartment.

  12. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    That's what I said but I have not explained well.
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