Probabilistic Damage Stability

Discussion in 'Stability' started by marufuddin0, Aug 28, 2020.

  1. marufuddin0
    Joined: Feb 2016
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    marufuddin0 Naval Architect

    Dear Altruists,
    I was doing the probabilistic damage stability of a passenger-vessel in Maxsurf. I am not getting the minimum required attained index for the vessel; I have tried with considering different zones selection but still no way.

    Now I have the following queries:
    1. How many adjacent zones do I require considering to pass damage stability criteria according to SOLAS and IMO? Maybe I overlooked, but I did not find any specific requirement like that. So, what is the case for a class vessel?
    2. I would like to get alternative damage cases like the following (red box).
    [​IMG]However, I am getting only the following damage cases. How can I get a few more alternative damage cases (not intermediate damage cases) like above (red box)? Thank you.


    Also any suggestion to get better attained-index will be appreciated. Thank you
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  2. Dr34m3r
    Joined: Mar 2012
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    Dr34m3r Senior Member

    1. probabilistic damage uses any number of possible zone damage to calculate the final index. Zones are defined using WT boundaries. if you are getting not the required index, possibly you have very large tank which need to divide smaller or add more WT compartment. also many other correction like flooding point readjustment needed.

    2. red box would called deterministic damage case.
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