pp jet parts

Discussion in 'Jet Drives' started by big foot, Nov 6, 2009.

  1. big foot
    Joined: Nov 2009
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    big foot New Member

    hi i have reacentley got a dateline with a pp jet can aney body tell me wear i can obtain parts tar:confused:
  2. baeckmo
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    baeckmo Hydrodynamics

    Vosper Thornycroft, Portsmouth UK. But they were recently moving from their office at Northharbour Rd, so you have to start searching from there.

    Phone no: +44 (0) 1705 383311.
  3. Mermaid Marine
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    Mermaid Marine New Member

    You can get parts from Naiad Dynamics (once part of Vospers) on

    02392 53 9750


  4. big foot
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    big foot New Member

    tar mark i will give them a try
  5. anthony goodson
    Joined: Mar 2007
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    anthony goodson Senior Member

    What parts are you looking for ?
  6. big foot
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    big foot New Member

    tar for your post anthony i am after main shaft bearing and rev thruster
  7. anthony goodson
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    anthony goodson Senior Member

    The mainshaft bearing on a 65 ,I assume it's a 65 ,is a standard bearing obtainable from your local bearing stockist as are all the seals ,replace the seal springs with stainless ones.Take the bearing with you to match they will just need the numbers.By a reverse thruster I assume you mean a bucket,this is more difficult. It is a non wearing part ,so I assume it is lost or broken if it is broken and the LM25 is not too dezictified it may weld if not I would try advertising for a secondhand one
    VT are a very large concern with correspondingly large overheads and in my experience prices to match,they can sometimesbe very helpful with information though.
  8. windydave13
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    windydave13 Junior Member

    Big Foot

    Good to see you on the beach the other day. Nice to have a fellow Dateline-er to chat to.

    If you still have the drawings from Vosper any chance you could email me them over?? After what you said about the bearing, when you did yours was it easy to remove the old bearing or did it need to be pressed out and back in. Hoping to do mine without removing the engine if possible and also without too much dismantling of the jet unit!!!

    I'll perhaps see you on the beach this weekend if the weather stays like this;)
  9. rsmacdo
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    rsmacdo New Member

    PP90 Parts

    Hello Gents,

    I am as well looking for parts for a PP Jet. I have a PP90 I think, SN 900761
    and manufactured at PP Jets Bury Street, Edmunds, Suffolk, England around 1987.

    A photo is attached. I need an impeller and bucket. Basically what is missing from the photo.

    Appreciate any assistance.

    Attached Files:

  10. windydave13
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    windydave13 Junior Member

    I can't help you on identifying it, but i've just managed to get a set of drawings and instructions from a chap called Brent Voce (T +44 2392 53 9739 ) at NAIAD DYNAMICS UK LIMITED, who are part of the Vosper group.
    He was really helpful and very knowledgable. I'd highly recomend giving him a shout as if it's anything like the drawings he gave me, it will have all the part numbers for the parts you're looking for.

    Hope it helps


  11. rsmacdo
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    rsmacdo New Member

    Thanks Dave. I will give him a call.

  12. rsmacdo
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    rsmacdo New Member

    Naiad Dynamics

    Thanks Dave.

    Naiad was immediatly helpful and should help me get my drive fixed.

  13. kcmd
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    kcmd Junior Member

    Hi do any one no how to ajust a impeller for a pp jet , Were can i find the serial numbers for the jet i have compleated a service renewing bearing's there's only one and a grease cup to do ,
    I have this jetdrive fitted to a 2.7 nissan turbo diesal run at 6000 rev max fitted to a fast fisher 19 ,
    cheers hope i get some help .
  14. garrybull
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    garrybull Senior Member

    do you have any pics of your pp jet? i have got a pp65 but am not sure if it is a pp jet. would like to find out if it is or not.

  15. anthony goodson
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    anthony goodson Senior Member

    Hi Kcmd if you look back through my posts you will find comprehensive instructions as to how to do this, it is archived under powerboats ,13 August 2010. If you can't find these post again .That greasecup you are referring to is a DU bush and best run in EP90.
    Garybull if you post pictures of your jet I will tell you if it is a PP65.
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