Powerboat design

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Alex Rankin, Sep 1, 2024.

  1. Alex Rankin
    Joined: Sep 2024
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    Location: Wiscasset Maine

    Alex Rankin New Member

    Hello everyone- I’m new here. We have a 26’ St. Pierre dory (no cabin), galvanized steel hull with e Volvo penta diesel engine no 25893. She was a workhorse but now too big for the family’s needs and point in life. the cabin has gone to waste but the hull and engine are fantastic.

    Curious about what to do with it. Bantered ideas within the family, sell hull/engine together, break up and sell hull and engine separate, unload for scrap.

    hoping you all might have some perspective in dealing with this type of sale.

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  2. Alex Rankin
    Joined: Sep 2024
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    Alex Rankin New Member

    Apologies for the misfired photo of a wooden boat we have
  3. bajansailor
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Alex.

    Perhaps you could try advertising her for sale locally - do you have any local Facebook groups for buying and selling marine stuff?
    Or put her on Ebay or Craigs List (I have no experience of either).
    I don't think you would get a lot for her though - you could perhaps simply ask for 'offers', rather than naming a price?

    She looks like she would make a good general purpose workboat - perhaps someone could put a pot hauler on her and a cabin and go out looking to catch a few lobsters?
    That is impressive how your old MD2B is still going strong - it must be at least 35 - 40 years old now.

  4. Alex Rankin
    Joined: Sep 2024
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    Location: Wiscasset Maine

    Alex Rankin New Member

    Thank you bajansailor much appreciated.
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