Power requirement Trinka 12

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Manateeman, Jun 22, 2020.

  1. Manateeman
    Joined: Oct 2019
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    Manateeman Junior Member

    Greetings. We have acquired a Trinka 12 and are unsure what hp 4 stroke Yamaha outboard to buy.
    The plaque is 2.5 hp which we have used on our Trinka 10, but it is very slow.
    The 4 and 6 hp models look attractive at 60 pounds. The 8/9.9 hp at 90 lbs seems a bit heavy but with 2 cylinders, and exhaust out the prop this might offset the higher weight.
    I’m sure many of the readers here are familiar with the Trinka 12 hull shape and any comments would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance. Mark
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Here is some background info on the Trinkas for folk who are not familiar with them -


    Trinka-The Best Rowing/Sailing Dinghy in the World. http://www.trinka.com/

    I would be inclined to go with a maximum of a 6 hp O/B motor.
    Although the website mentions that the hull can plane, I cannot really see any point in putting a larger engine on - if you want to go fast, get a 'proper' planing RHIB.
    And how slow is 'slow' regarding a 2.5 hp O/B motor?
    An engine this size would be much easier to handle than a 6 hp, and especially so re a 9.9 hp.
    Does it really matter in the grand scheme of things if you take a few minutes more to get ashore from your yacht in the anchorage when you are off cruising?

    Changing tack, what was the final outcome of your previous thread re the halyard slots in your mast?

    Closing halyard exit slots in aluminum masts https://www.boatdesign.net/threads/closing-halyard-exit-slots-in-aluminum-masts.63081/page-4#
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2020
  3. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    The 2.5 will push the boat beyond its hull speed. Are you trying to achieve planing speeds?
  4. jdray
    Joined: Jun 2005
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    jdray Paddle Guy

    Have you considered an electric outboard?

  5. Manateeman
    Joined: Oct 2019
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    Manateeman Junior Member

    Thank you for the replies. First, I will stick to a Yamaha four stroke gasoline engine. We have a Trinka 10 foot which is great to row and ok with the 2.5 Yamaha . A bit tender under sail but I’m old and slow. My wife has had a lot of orthopedic surgeries and we need a really stable dinghy. Our boat is 60’ and 12’ is the longest dinghy which will fit on the stern Davits. Sugar scoop to board. Our current home port dinghy is a 14’aluminum Sea Ark with a 25 hp Yamaha. Very stable, very fast but sticks out past the transom. We have an electric hoist and lines rigged to board like whalers did to help get into their chase boats. The Sea Ark is nice in home port but otherwise too big. I’ve looked a 12 foot aluminum boats with an 8 or 9.9 motor. We thought the Trinka 12 had several nice features. You could sail it. It self drains which is very important as you can leave the boat at a dock or mooring and not worry a rain storm will sink it. I’m also “converting” it to be a lifeboat. At this point I’m leaning to the 6 hp. Weight is ok for getting it on and off the dinghy and we’d use the 2.5 for short runs. We can store one or two motors in our dive locker no problem. I just don’t want to find out the 8 or 9.9 would have been better than the 6. I thought of towing the Trinka 12 with the Sea Ark at speed and seeing if this will help me with the motor choice. I’ll post photos. I can kneel in the stern and water just starts to enter the self drains so 200 pounds drops the transom about 3 or four inches. I like the idea a faster dinghy opens up exploring once at anchor.
    Mast slots. Made a cookie and outside cover plate and used 316 rivets. Filled small holes with plexus. Tried to stop worrying as I’ve never seen evidence the boat has aluminum eating mice.
    Again, appreciation for all the replies.
    Mark the manatee
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