Potential Flow Codes for Mac OS X

Discussion in 'Software' started by ScottAmmon, Jun 15, 2015.

  1. ScottAmmon
    Joined: Apr 2015
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    ScottAmmon Junior Member

    Hi everybody; I'm new to this site so hopefully i'm posting to the correct place.

    I was wondering if anyone knows of free/open-source potential flow solvers that work on OS X? (I believe some stuff written for Linux may work on OS X as well). This is probably the time where I realize that I'm an engineer and should just buy a PC, but I figured i'd try asking here first...

    For background information, i'd like to couple a simple potential solver with some Rhino model that I could modify with an optimization script in Matlab, Python, or another scripting language. I used Michlet in college which was an easy to use program that I noticed a lot of people post about on these forums.

    Thanks for the help!
  2. palgroth
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    palgroth New Member

    It seems as the open source BEM code Nemoh will be released for OSX through OpenWARP any time soon. http://nrel.github.io/OpenWARP/

    I am eager to try it out as soon as possible!
  3. ScottAmmon
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    ScottAmmon Junior Member

    Awesome! Thanks palgroth.
  4. Rurudyne
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    Rurudyne Senior Member

    There's a free product called Wine to run windows software on a Mac that I've had good luck with in conjunction to DelftShip.
  5. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Links to download pages are currently broken (Dropbox gives 404 error). Where did you get the info that the code will be soon released?

  6. palgroth
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    palgroth New Member

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