Pontoon Power Sail Cruser Anyone Ever Heard of This?i

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Wavewacker, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. Wavewacker
    Joined: Aug 2010
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    Wavewacker Senior Member

    I was on the Sail Calculater comparing boats, it was listed as a model of a boat! Never head of it, 26', what is it? It was listed as "Pontoon Power Sail Cruiser" what is that?
  2. tomas
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    tomas Senior Member

  3. Wavewacker
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    Wavewacker Senior Member

    Pontoon power sail cruiser

    I was comparing boats on the Sail Calculator and in the second section you scroll through manufatured boats and listed was pontoon power sail cruiser. I googled it but found nothing. Has anyone ever heard of this or have info?
  4. Wavewacker
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    Wavewacker Senior Member

  5. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member


    No idea, but I put the term into google images and this was in the results...


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  6. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Those skinny hulls are suppose to support all that weight? They must be at least ten feet deep.
  7. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    Gonzo; Perhaps this is a clever Photoshop pix wrought during a bout with a near empty rum bottle.
  8. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    Never heard of such a boat but I'm confident someone would have dreamed it up or even built one by now. No reason an enterprising individual could not build a downwind rig for an ordinary pontoon boat. Imagine flying a big and colorful spinnaker on a bargelike boat. The chute would have a Budweiser or Corona logo of course.

  9. Wavewacker
    Joined: Aug 2010
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    Wavewacker Senior Member

    OMG! Photoshop, I'll buy that.

    How about a kite on a Partyhut? LOL

    I assumed it was that power cat built as pontoons with a cab, the pontoons fold in for the road and thought they may have added a sail. I have seen it on Youtube, it's a kit/plans boat, but have no idea how to find it.
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