Polyester Questions

Discussion in 'Materials' started by Chotu, Dec 2, 2018.

  1. Chotu
    Joined: Mar 2018
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    Chotu Junior Member

    Hmm. Ok. That's good.

    I can't go near epoxy so the tanks would be vinylester. I was going to make them out of poly then coat with drinking water safe vinyl ester or have someone else coat with drinking water safe epoxy.

    Getting tanks made was outrageous in price.
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  2. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Do not work with any kind of resin in the bilge without proper ventilation.
    I would cross ventilate as well as breathe supplied clean air as well.
    If the fumes can still be felt on your eyes, your ventilation is not adequate.
    After you’ve built a few fiberglass tanks, you’ll start to understand the beauty of plastic tanks!
  3. Chotu
    Joined: Mar 2018
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    Chotu Junior Member

    I found a work around to avoid this project. They sell 45 gallon, rectangular polyethylene tanks that are marketed for RV/Motorhomes. Same exact tanks we normally use without the marine markup. I'm going to put a couple of those under some settees.
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  4. ed2
    Joined: May 2013
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    ed2 Junior Member

    Hello, I have an interrater, maybe you can help solve it.
    to stick pieces of vibrio fiber and polyester resin (helmet and cover) which will be the best pay. It has already tested epoxy filler and also polyester but continues to peel off.
    More than what I want to get is the deck and hull of an optimist.
    From already thank you very much
  5. Blueknarr
    Joined: Aug 2017
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    Blueknarr Senior Member

    I think the translator program botched your post.
    Are you trying to hold a cover onto an "optimist" with Velcro? And both epoxy and polyester are not sticking to the deck?

  6. redreuben
    Joined: Jan 2009
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    redreuben redreuben

    Not understanding
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