polyester question

Discussion in 'Materials' started by mike arnold, Feb 18, 2020.

  1. mike arnold
    Joined: Feb 2020
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    mike arnold New Member

    hi all ,im looking for some advice re polyester resin.
    not boat related realy but boat builders seem to know more about resins.
    my son is making a live edge polyster resin table for a school project,
    its 7ft by 3ft by 3inch deep.
    he poured it in 7 layers in not the best conditions, ie cool,
    the finished surface is not very flat
    weve brought the project home from school so I can help him progress it as I know how much work it will take to finish it to a polished finnish.
    at the moment were sanding it wet and dry but its very slow work.
    would I be better mixing a runny mix and letting it self level ,then polish or should I persevere with sanding. ps could I pour over a sanded surface or would it need to be no scratching showing .
    hope someone can help .thaks.
    ps the resin used is water clear polyester resin called clearcast
  2. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Can you post a photo? I supposed you got a surface with craters and fisheyes.
  3. mike arnold
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    mike arnold New Member

    hi gonzo,
    pics , I ordered some topcoat polyester resin with added wax ,is there a trick to getting this level to minimise sanding

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  4. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    You probably used a resin with little or no wax. The table needs to be sanded flat first. You should start with a fairly coarse grit; at least #50. Otherwise it will clog and not take much of the old resin off.
  5. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    You can knock down the orange peel surface with 150 grit paper on a DA or similar sander and then coat it with this.

    http://duratec1.com/pdf/DS 904-040.pdf

    It will cure with a high gloss and no wax add is required.

    Sometimes it will be smooth enough and no sanding is needed. If not, minimal sanding and polishing is needed.

    There is also a version with higher UV resistance if it’s used outside.

  6. mike arnold
    Joined: Feb 2020
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    mike arnold New Member

    thanks for the input
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