PolyCAD Tutorial (youtube)

Discussion in 'Software' started by quequen, Jul 28, 2011.

  1. quequen
    Joined: Jul 2009
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    quequen Senior Member

    Hi all! Marcus Bole has published his first youtube Tutorial for PolyCAD. It uses Topology Curves rather than surfaces.
    You'll find here as many modeling capabilities as Orca3D for Rhino, I think. PolyCAD is free downloadable and a very poweful modeling tool, it performs also basic hydrostatics. I hope Marcus will continue making PolyCAD youtube tutorials, they are faster and easy to understand.


  2. quequen
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    quequen Senior Member

  3. CmbtntDzgnr
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    CmbtntDzgnr Senior Member


    Not to cross-post, (I didn't pay attention to the fact you posted the same URL here, in this thread, and I posted that URL in another thread responding to the post about AutoCAD/Freeship) but....

    This is really cool:

    At time index 10:06. I like the immediacy of feedback without having do deal with modal screens. Modal is painful when non-modal is demanded. I recall way back in 1993 an InfoWeek (or similar trade paper/rag talked about such things) article chiding or excoriating developers who at times unncessarily forced modal dialog boxes upon users, when a few programming tricks or already-available code features easily permitted non-modal dialogs. This was extremely important to me back then when it came to choosing Lotus WordPro vs ms word vs sticking with WordPerfect. LWP won because of Lotus Approach being part of SmartSuite, and because smartly, LWP had non-modal dialog boxes that permitted me work faster, AND it was truly WYSIWYG. LWP's WYSIWYG from 1993 still beats ms word's pseudo WYSIWYG in the print-preview dialog. I prize modal and WYSIWYG in marine programs.
  4. CmbtntDzgnr
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    CmbtntDzgnr Senior Member

    The tutorial is nice. But, there is nothing like hands-on.

    Aside from some bugs issues, when it's working, it is NICE. I like the features that are in & .546 which are not in v8.xxx.

    Stations indications for polylines is nice. I wish there were such a widget area for BSPlines.

    It's very convenient to edit my non-optimally-faired polylines by converting them to BSPlines, editing them with 6 to 15 control points vice 30 or 40 (that result in Freeship they way I creased or set things up), then re-convert them to Polylines. The editing interface allows suppression/hiding of any extra stations in the view that might clutter the editing process.

    It is necessary to convert BSplines back to polylines since the BSplines (so far as I can tell) cannot be converted to a PolyCAD hull, which is necessary to get hydros.

    The free-floating hydros interface is a very nice way to learn how changing draft of a given hull affects initial stability. The ramifications of drastically decreasing or increasing draft may not be be apparent to us newbies/non-nav arch's, so this tool is very neat. It is something I'd maybe a year ago suggested be in Delftship or Freeship.

    For those who tried to import a .geo file into PolyCAD 8 and got only stations on y=0, that bug was nixed. and .546 correctly import.

    Importing .gf files works, too, but a very ratty collection of stations, decks, and superstructure curves that looks nice in imported dxf lines won't look as nice in .gf/geo. Things may appear as if a 500lb dumb bomb fell into the upperworks, hehehe.

    3D editing in a 2D-mode (or vice versa?) is nice when you only want to move a node/control point in two directions while the model displays in 3D.

    Crashiness I mentioned in a previous post might be related to memory management on my computer, but I'm not sure. I ran PolyCAD 9... on the same machine in Win 7 in both a VirtualBox environ and bare-iron-native environ, and it performed better natively. But, so as I save regularly and don't do certain things that will more quickly bring on a crash, I can make regular progress.

    There are about 5 or 6 other nice features I can comment on later, on my next break.

  5. CmbtntDzgnr
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    CmbtntDzgnr Senior Member

    -- Lassoing and straigtening BSpline points

    -- Lassoing and moving BSpline points

    -- Editing the points directly in a grid as well as by cursor

    I imagine other apps/programs/packages do the same or similar, but these two I could not do in Freeship/Hydronship.
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