Pocket tunnel bateau

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by Cajunpockettunnel, Aug 23, 2020.

  1. Cajunpockettunnel
    Joined: Aug 2020
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    Cajunpockettunnel Senior Member

    I should have posted this here. Hello all, I am building a pocket tunnel bateau. I would like to share my build progress. If any of you more experienced builders have any advice please chime in. All knowledge is welcome. IMG_20200731_135137937_HDR.jpg IMG_20200801_155117042.jpg IMG_20200801_170204727_HDR.jpg IMG_20200802_140616394_HDR.jpg IMG_20200806_172753827.jpg IMG_20200808_145902123_HDR.jpg IMG_20200813_171059058.jpg IMG_20200809_103956299_HDR.jpg IMG_20200816_113341331.jpg IMG_20200816_144952929.jpg IMG_20200816_143734800.jpg IMG_20200820_124106560_HDR.jpg IMG_20200821_133249591_HDR.jpg IMG_20200822_100301008_HDR.jpg
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the forum Cajun.

    Did you design the boat yourself, or did you buy a plan? If the latter, what design is she?

    Just a few observations -
    I see that you have used butt blocks on the inside of the hull where the two halves are joined together. The width of these butt blocks appears to be about 10" - 12" (?) - have you also got some longitudinal timber beams / girders going across this joint? It is in the middle of the boat, hence you will get the maximum longitudinal bending moments here, so it has to be pretty strong.

    Re the two stems - it might have been easier (and stronger) to have laminated them from smaller sections of timber to get the curve required?

    What glue did you use on your joints, and what have you used to sheath the hull with - polyester or epoxy resin?

    What size engine are you planning on fitting to the boat?
  3. Cajunpockettunnel
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    Cajunpockettunnel Senior Member

    It's a design out of my head. 22.5 degrees of deadrise on the gunnels, 12 degrees of deadrise on the transom.

    The butt blocks are roughly 10" wide. As far as longitudinal bending, the caps along the top rail should solve that. It's all 3/4" marine plywood and Spanish cedar timbers we squared up and ripped to make 2" x 3 1/2" stringers. Where the butt blocks are there will also be consoles to strengthen it even more.

    The stems were trial and error. We wi do those differently next time. We already have 3 possible orders for this style of bateau.

    Glue used was titebond III and liquid nails. We used 2 oz chopped mat and epoxy resin from a reputable dealer. None of that 3M stuff from store chains.

    It will be powered by a 70 hp Johnson. The old 2 stroke. I've had one before and it was a dependable engine. I acquired another one from a friend.
    To finish the bottom, it was primed and painted with Wearlon Wetlander. Multiple coats for maximum slide.
  4. Cajunpockettunnel
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    Cajunpockettunnel Senior Member

    Oh, and thanks for the welcome.
  5. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Thanks for this update.
    Have you got a photo showing the interior of the boat, after the two halves were joined together?
    In addition to the gunwhale capping rails providing longitudinal strength, I hope that you have longitudinal stringers on the hull bottom as well?

    Did you really sheath the hull with epoxy and chopped strand mat, rather than a woven cloth?
    If so, I am sure that you found that the CSM really soaks up the resin like it is going out of fashion - a woven cloth would be much more frugal on resin, and stronger.
  6. Cajunpockettunnel
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    Cajunpockettunnel Senior Member

    Yes I did use CSM. It swallowed all 3 gallons of epoxy, but it's nice and thick. Mostly for bumps and bruises

    Longitudinal stringers run along the sides. Where the butt splices are there is a 2 by that runs across the bottom. Beings we already glassed it I don't plan on making anymore holes. It will ruin the finish. I shall see how strong this design holds up.

    If I build another one, I will change a few things. This one we will not sell due to it having a few flaws that I don't like. I am putting a 4' deck cap on the front for a fishing station and also for strength.
  7. Cajunpockettunnel
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    Cajunpockettunnel Senior Member

    Now that I think about it, I may put a few "floater stringers" in the middle. We went 16" on center in the middle with the stringers and ribs. The rest are 24" on center. I was also thinking about weight during this build. I think it will be ok. 3/4" marine plywood is pretty strong. We shall see.
  8. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    Welcome to the forum Cajunpockettunnel! I'm a Cajun too, from Acadia NS. Good luck on the build.

    I see Bajansailor has already grreted you. Unfailing kindness and generosity there, as with many of our members.

  9. Cajunpockettunnel
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    Cajunpockettunnel Senior Member

    Nova Scotia? My brother, we have family there. I'm a LeBlanc. My ancestor ,I think he was David founded Acadiana here in Louisiana. He was from St. Marie's. Thanks so much for the welcome. This has to be the best forum I've been on. Nothing but good advice and back and forth banter. This is a great place to be.

    Rene' David LeBlanc
    Cajun Proud
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  10. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    I certainly have LeBlanc family. I'm from Deveau and Robichaud clans, with some Saulnier and Gaudet thrown in. Check out my boat at Sea Sled Madness.
  11. Cajunpockettunnel
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    Cajunpockettunnel Senior Member

    Would you be so kind as to send me the link?
  12. Cajunpockettunnel
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    Cajunpockettunnel Senior Member

    I'm sure we are cousins somewhere down the family tree lol. Ours branches. It's not a stick.
  13. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    Right here! Go up to Fiberglass and composite etc, and I'm around #4 or so.
  14. Cajunpockettunnel
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    Cajunpockettunnel Senior Member

    Oh chit. I saw it earlier. Duh, Michelob Ultra has hampered my ability to comprehend. I saw it. It's a military style boat. It made me think of the Texas sled when I saw it. Man, I swear sometimes I get so locked in on celebrating (which I find any reason to celebrate) my mind quits working. What do you plan to do with that gigantic thing?

  15. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    Where I live, in Vancouver BC, the mountains come down to the sea. Countless small islands. At the moment I'm building high tech custom houses in the city. I aim to build houses on the islands where it's water access only.

    And some dive charter, water taxi work. Like that.
    hoytedow likes this.
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