Plywood wall replacement

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by refit noob, Dec 11, 2017.

  1. refit noob
    Joined: Dec 2017
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    refit noob New Member

    My boat seems to be biodegrading, guys. It seems like the original problem was leaky windows. They've been rebedded (apparently a couple times), and the problem seems to be 90% fixed (there are a couple spots near the windows that seem to have active moisture issues, but the vast majority has been (thankfully) solved. Leaving a lovely discolored, occasionally rotting plywood interior behind.

    First boat project is to remove these, replace these with wood that is NOT rotten, and make the finished result pretty.

    About the boat: Islander 28, owned by the same family for 40 years. It's had a LOT of upgrades (new engine, cabin structure reinforced as a result of an original design flaw that led to inadequate mast support of the deck stepped mast, new rigging, lifelines, new head etc). She's an awesome daysailer, but I'd like to return her to the life of a cruiser.

    -Remove plywood walls on port side. Replace.
    -Wall under porthole window in the head experiencing similar wall rot. Remove, replace. Replace window?
    -Starboard wall between window has a hole in it (deck fitting with screws that went all the way through? who knows. The wood feels cool which means moisture. Find source, plug, replace wall to make sure it doesn't eventually rot.
    -Headliner is this color that i'm sure was the height of fashion in the 70's (and early 80's?). It's like 70's orange, yellow, and brown got together and made this hideous color as a result. I'll call it golden beige. I'd rather not stare at this as I sleep once this boat is habitable enough to sleep on.
    -Cockpit winch handle hatches on both sides need new wood
    -Teak facia on the fiberglass is missing on port side. I'm guessing it was removed to see if it was the source of water intrusion. Not pretty, but not heinous.
    -Golden beige laminate counters, table, galley? A whole lot of nope. Must find a solution to make this boat less golden beige.
    -Floors were teak and holly. Now they're, you guessed it, golden beige. why? WHY?!
    -Cushions are gone. All gone. I'm going to thank the family for throwing these away rather than making me touch these. I'll need to make new ones.
    -Cabin lighting is non existent. I'm guessing with the moisture issue that they just said EFF IT, let's get rid of everything questionable. I'll have to find a solution for lighting, but this is not a major priority.
    - New Oven, or recondition the Brown Beauty that was original (it's an alcohol stove, and the tank was removed a few years back). It's probably cheaper to replace with something I know won't make the boat go boom.
    -Install Auto Bilge Pump (free with boat, but uninstalled)
    -Install trickle charger to battery bank
    -Order a new Main
    -Assess the state of the Spinnaker and Headsails
    -Drink the free drinks that came in the bone dry refrigerator and celebrate the lack of mold on the inside of this boat. I call this a christmas miracle.
    -Through hulls are vintage. I'll fix those when i haul her out. It's been 5 years since haul out. Perhaps next year i'll get to that.
    -Rename her. I'll wait to rename her until I'm not (mildly) ashamed of the state of the interior.

    Does anyone have any feedback on the major (or minor) projects on my list? Id SUPER appreciate it :)

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  2. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Welcome to the forum.

    Yep, you'll likely need to remove and replace the plywood cabin sides to fix the rot and staining issues, unless you can live with paint or maybe a laminate (Formica) finish.

    Ditto the the wall (liner) in the head. Replacing the light or port (one opens, the other doesn't) will be up to it's condition. If it's plastic, it's well old enough to warrant replacement. The same would be true of areas where wood rot, staining and moisture ingress has caused issues. Dry it, fill it, paint or cover it or replace on mass if desiring a bright finish.

    The headliner can be done several ways, the easiest is to clean, scuff and cover with something you like; carpet, vinyl, fabric, etc., though paint is the cheap and fast way.

    New winch handles are easy to make, though you may just want to buy some new ones, possibly that float when you drop it over the side.

    The teak veneers can be replaced and are easy to cut, though difficult to fit accurately enough to be brightly finished.

    Countertops and other surfaces can be painted or over coated with veneer or high pressure laminates (Formica) and several other things. Don't let the color of something bother you, when some lipstick (paint) can solve your issues quickly, possibly while you sort out a different more long lasting solution.

    Unless you have some serious seamstress skills and an industrial machine, leave the cushion making to a pro with a good machine and a practiced hand at making straight seams and stitches. Trust me on this.

    Look to LED lighting to keep you watt count low. It's possible you'll need to rewire, given its age, but some of the wire might still have continuity, once cleaned.

    Yep, the stove might work, but there's better option now available. This would be true of most if not all the hardware and electrics aboard. After nearly a half a century, it's due for an upgrade, don't you think?

    After 5 years in the wet, you're going to have bottom work to do. Get it done as soon as she comes out, don't wait (again trust me on this).

    Look up the boat/yacht renaming sequence, so you don't piss off the boat gods. The boat shouldn't be launched or renamed on a Friday, never painted red (sailboats only) and an appropriate etiquette renaming/appeasement process established or bad luck will forever follow your adventures. I have a supply source in Maine, for some female, prepubescent virginal pee, if you need it. Again, trust me on this, you don't want the renaming gods on your asss.
  3. refit noob
    Joined: Dec 2017
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    refit noob New Member

    So I didn’t really get going with projects until July 1st. But I’ve made great progress since then!

    Updated Projects:

    -Remove plywood walls on port side. Replace. 8/18: Chiseled like a boss. Only two bits of teak went under my nails resulting in an impromptu sound reminiscent of a dying screech owl.

    -Wall under porthole window in the head experiencing similar wall rot. Remove, replace. Replace window? 8/18: New plan. Provide warning to guests that the head is where hopes and dreams went to die. leave as is. (for now)

    -Starboard wall between window has a hole in it (deck fitting with screws that went all the way through? who knows. The wood feels cool which means moisture. Find source, plug, replace wall to make sure it doesn't eventually rot. 8/18: Once I got the teak down this was SUPER easy. A bit of sealant on the outside, and a bit of epoxy on the inside. Teak will go up and will NOT be ruined by the tiny screw holes that once held up the teak over the windows.

    -Headliner is this color that i'm sure was the height of fashion in the 70's (and early 80's?). It's like 70's orange, yellow, and brown got together and made this hideous color as a result. I'll call it golden beige. I'd rather not stare at this as I sleep once this boat is habitable enough to sleep on.8/18: started this project 7/1. All headliner removed by 8/1 (with other projects going on at the same time). I still feel like I need a shower while thinking of this project. Foam and Naugahyde in a moisture rich environment. It was disgusting. I'm so glad all of the naugahyde is gone. (except for the aforementioned soul sucking head).

    -Cockpit winch handle hatches on both sides need new wood. 8/18: this sounds like a problem for future self. Hope to tackle this by fall.

    -Teak facia on the fiberglass is missing on port side. I'm guessing it was removed to see if it was the source of water intrusion. Not pretty, but not heinous. 8/18: source of water intrusion! It aint pretty, but it also aint causing no more leaks :)

    -Golden beige laminate counters, table, galley? A whole lot of nope. Must find a solution to make this boat less golden beige. 8/18 oooh! more beige! This will be a project for winter.

    -Floors were teak and holly. Now they're, you guessed it, golden beige. why? WHY?!8/18 when asked for my least favorite color, I'd definitely reply with golden beige.

    -Cushions are gone. All gone. I'm going to thank the family for throwing these away rather than making me touch these. I'll need to make new ones.

    -Cabin lighting is non existent. I'm guessing with the moisture issue that they just said EFF IT, let's get rid of everything questionable. I'll have to find a solution for lighting, but this is not a major priority.8/18 more than 300 feet of wire was run in rewiring this boat. It is now a work of electrical art. This was one project where I asked for help. My handy friend and his handy tools helped me not electrocute myself. SO worth it! This project would make an OCD person happy looking at the labeled orderly done new panels and chargers.

    - New Oven, or recondition the Brown Beauty that was original (it's an alcohol stove, and the tank was removed a few years back). It's probably cheaper to replace with something I know won't make the boat go boom. 8/18: the old owner found its original cabinet! Yay! new plan. Remove stove, replace with original cabinet.

    -Install Auto Bilge Pump (free with boat, but uninstalled) 8/18 wiring has been run! need to remove current and install the new bilge pump. Bonus for realizing the through hull isn't really looking so hot. 50% of bilge water immediately returned to the bilge ;)

    -Install trickle charger to battery bank 8/18: Battery Charger installed! New starter battery installed!

    -Order a new Main 8/18: spendy but picked it out!

    -Assess the state of the Spinnaker and Headsails 8/18 Oooh! I have a symmetrical spinnaker! Boo... i have no pole.

    -Drink the free drinks that came in the bone dry refrigerator and celebrate the lack of mold on the inside of this boat. I call this a christmas miracle. 8/18: Turns out the owner only had mixers. There is a brewery across the street. Problem solved.

    -Through hulls are vintage. I'll fix those when i haul her out. It's been 5 years since haul out. Perhaps next year i'll get to that.

    -Rename her. I'll wait to rename her until I'm not (mildly) ashamed of the state of the interior

    New Projects:

    Replace the hatch under the main sail

    Fix the v-birth hatch

    Rebed the port side headsail car (water intrusion)

    Rebed the stantion on the port side (water intrusion)

    Replace Speakers

    Replace Stereo

    Completely finished projects:

    New house/starter battery installed!

    Running lights work!

    No less than 8 beers (thanks Fremont Brewing Company for making this project possible ;).
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