please recommend a paint safe to use on vinyl

Discussion in 'Materials' started by the brain, Jan 28, 2017.

  1. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    I have brown vinale for the interia I hate brown it reminds me of you know what.

    please recommend a decent paint I can cover the brown w/.

    Thanks STB
  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    I take it you mean vinyl, there are specialist coatings that are specifically for the purpose, google should find plenty, or an auto accessories barn will likely stock such.
  3. Steve W
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    Steve W Senior Member

    I painted all the vinyl seats on my seadoo explorer jet rib with a paint called SEM marine vinyl coat in a rattle can. I went from purple to a dark blue and it has worked very well so far and has endured 2 summers in the sun without a problem and looks great. It was a 3 step process of scrub clean, prime with a product that softens the vinyl and then the color coat. So far I'm very satisfied. I ordered the products from their website if I remember right.

  4. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    what did you clean the vylan w/ before painting
  5. Steve W
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    Steve W Senior Member

    I believe I followed all the steps in the instructions with the products that SEM sells for the purpose, it was not cheap but it would be hard to complain if it started to flake off if I had not. To be very clear, it has worked very well, no peeling or flaking off whatsoever, I had the center seat professionaly recovered with the correct type of flexible vinyl in the color I wanted and then painted the other three seats and their backrests to match and i can't tell the difference. The color just happened to be a perfect match out of the can.
  6. PAR
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    If you have to ask why someone cleaned an about to be painted surface, then you might want to consider jobing this process out, to those that understand painting over dirt and grime usually results in a finish, only a mother could love, not to mention it likely durability.
  7. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    can I clean vinale w/mineral spirits then spray vinale paint
  8. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Use "vinale" cleaner. Failing availability of that, anything that cleans vinyl. I'd go cheapo and use sugar soap solution, rather than solvent based cleaners, which needs very regular replacement of rags. Allow everything to dry thoroughly before painting. Even exterior acrylic house paint adheres well to vinyl, but in light shades, will get dirty fairly quickly. And you'll stick to it unless you wait about a month for it to "cure" properly.
  9. Steve W
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    Steve W Senior Member

    If you go to the SEM website they have all the info you need, including a short video. I would not substitute mineral spirits as most solvents (except acetone) have a few different ingredients, some of which inhibit adhesion to some degree. There are other manufacturers of vinyl paint, SEM is just the one I chose to go with and have been happy with. While other products may stick to vinyl they have to be flexible to withstand baking in the sun and the be sat on etc.

  10. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    As was mentioned, buy a good product and follow the directions that come with it.
  11. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Exterior acrylic house paint is flexible enough, but is inclined to hold grime too much, OK depending on the colour.
  12. PAR
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    Most vinyl paints have a high dye content, rather than particulates, like most paints. They also have a vehicle that doesn't attack the vinyl, again, like most paints. There are (as previously mentioned) specific products to do vinyl and I don't know any that include mineral spirits in the vehicle.

    This subject can get pretty complex, but generally you'll want an adhesion promoted for the paints and a particular solvent for the dies. Then there's the water borne stuff that's also available, which is also treated differently.

    Acrylic house paint will not penetrate the vinyl, though flexibility is better, it'll peel anyway. The best advice is to pick a manufacture and follow their instruction for application, unless you have some serious experence with these types of paints. I've had good luck with Parasol products on vinyl.
  13. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    I have two types of vinyl first is the bridge/walls/rears exterior plan to paint first, this stuff is like upholstery material, vinyl inside is clean exterior vinyl is dirty will require cleaning before paint.

    Second vinyl is imitation wood vinyl glued to marine plywood,helmstation/cuddy partition wall/helm seat structure/rear stern area, may not paint.

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  14. Steve W
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    Steve W Senior Member

    All the vinyl will need cleaning, the inside stuff may look clean but it's not. Anytime you paint anything you have to get rid of any contaminents, mere fingerprints can prevent good adhesion so don't skip this step on any of it.


  15. PAR
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    Now the real question, is it really vinyl, particularly the faux wood? It's likely not actually vinyl, though often an ABS product which will take vinyl paints. Many of these products are Melamine or similar. Acrylics work pretty good on these.

    In any case appropriate prep is the key to any finish.
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