Please help with cheap ama construction

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by stove, Feb 3, 2015.

  1. stove
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    stove Junior Member

    Thanks redreuben, I will do some costing on different materials including coremat. Maybe the extra expense in going for foam and epoxy together with 600gsm bi-ax on each side is worth it in the end. I might build myself a nice center hull in future and then I'll be glad I did. So many options.
  2. stove
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    stove Junior Member

    Redreuben, will I be able to use coremat with hand layup? AMT composites indicated resin infusion. Also will I be able to use polyester resin with it?
  3. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben


    Yes mate, hand layup and polyester is what it was developed for.
  4. stove
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    stove Junior Member

    Redreuben, what do you think of this layup: 450gsm CSM first layer on top of male mold followed by 600gsm woven roving plain weave followed by coremat 4mm followed by 600gsm woven roving and lastly 450gsm CSM.
    Should I fair with epoxy filler or can I fair with polyester filler before painting?
    Thanks again
  5. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    I'm not qualified to design laminates but something like, Peel ply/ woven/coremat/woven/225csm. Talk to a materials supplier or similar to work out bulkhead placement and therefore panel size to give appropriate stiffness.
    You can fair in polyester but I would hi build in epoxy.
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  6. stove
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    stove Junior Member

    Thanks Redreuben, appreciate
  7. stove
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    stove Junior Member

    Hi Catsketcher
    When you mentioned "Most of the owner built multis are of a pretty standard laminate - almost always less than 1150gm/m on cedar is a heavy one. 600 outside and inside would be fine and with doubling under bulkheads if the shape is nice and curved".
    Would this type of layup use epoxy, polyester or vinyl ester resin?
  8. ThomD
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    ThomD Senior Member

    If I had what you have, I would stressform the amas out of the cheapest 3-4 mm ply I could find, and cover the outside with 4 oz. Forget the mold. with the mold you have I would start all over and have a males stations mold in ply out in 2 hours.

    Biggest mistake people make is to have a large project dongling off some cheap crap they feel they have to reuse, or even expensive crap. You have nothing at this point, that means all the work, and all the endless BS to folloe (boat ownership and maintenance), because you have some pointless junk as a starting point.

    Even if your plug was perfect it would only be good for pulling a female mold off of.
  9. BobBill
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    BobBill Senior Member

    +1, add this boyo's support.
  10. catsketcher
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    catsketcher Senior Member

    Gday Stove

    Going over cedar means epoxy always. If you do 12 or 15mm foam or polycore then you could do poly or vinylester. On a boat your size 600 biax would be normal.



  11. stove
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    stove Junior Member

    Thanks Phil
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