Please help me to Identify my new boat

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Brownyrr, Oct 12, 2016.

  1. Brownyrr
    Joined: Oct 2016
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    Brownyrr Junior Member


    Can you please help us , we purchased this boat from a demolition yard & have no idea what it is... it has no plates, markings or anything.... all i know is that the motor is about 60-70 years old & that its fiberglass...

    16ft long, Evinrude Starflite 100-s motor

    How do i get it registered if i dont even know what it is ??? Please help

    Thanks :)

    Rory & Beck

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  2. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    There should be a HIN# on the transom molded into the gel coat, it will give you details on the boat.

    Getting it registered is totally dependent on exactly where you live, and we don't know where that is. You need to ask the local agency that handles it for the details.

    The boat looks like a newer design than the motor.
  3. Brownyrr
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    Brownyrr Junior Member

    No numbers in that location

    Thank you for yoyr reply.

    The transom has been modified over time & has a large board attached on both sides so the original transom cant be seen & it has no numbers in that location.... everything & everywhere on the boat has been very badly painted in a very thick coat of paint so anything distinctive or numbers it previously had are now gone...

    I can't register it untill i can tell them what type of boat it is.

    Im hoping someone knows what it is by the shape.

    Thanks again for your reply :)
  4. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    There are thousands of manufactures that built boats, many just stole the design and made an almost exact copy, so finding the make and model can be difficult at best on an old glass boat. Plus regionally there were many small builders, and we don't know where you live, so that's an added complication.

    If there are no identifying marks on the boat you can say its anything you want, nobody can prove different, but it all depends on the rules and laws in your location, you don't actually need a builder, I've said it's homemade and registered boats where I live, but again, it's all local.
  5. Brownyrr
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    Brownyrr Junior Member

    Thank you, we are located in Queesnland
  6. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Matey, it looks very suspiciously like a boat from the long-defunct Skimmercraft stable. Pretty sure that is the brand, what particular model I don't know. It would be around 35-40 years, the motor is probably 50+ years old. There was a Skimmercraft Hornet, others I can't remember. But I'd be more than 50% confident that is your brand name. This link shows a boat with distinct similarities in the bow hatch area, as well as a peculiar feature on the topsides exterior that looks like a three-barred vent, not sure what the idea of that is. Not the same hull though, the strake pattern is different. Might be one size down from yours.
  7. Brownyrr
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    Brownyrr Junior Member

    Thank you so much for your advice, yes we beleive its a Skimmer Craft.... unknown if its the Hornet ot Wasp but its great that we now know what it is.

    Thanks again
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2016
  8. JSL
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    JSL Senior Member

    Sourced from a demolition yard - modified - planked over transom - heavily painted (to fill cracks?).... god knows what else!
    Sounds like a DarwinCraft

    Good money after bad? You might want to get an expert to look it over.
  9. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    It certainly is likely to be well past its prime. What surprised me looking at old boats of that brand is the hp installed, which seems high for the boat length, and moderate vee, suggesting to me they were pretty heavy boats. But I expect there would be the a latter day variation of the biblical "moth and rust doth corrupt" to contend with, to bring it to safe serviceability. And then there is the engine, which is likely to have "issues" given its advanced age.

  10. Brownyrr
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    Brownyrr Junior Member

    Thank you everyone
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