Please help me identify this boat

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by member 65088, Aug 7, 2018.

  1. member 65088

    member 65088 Previous Member

    In the second photo you can see the wooden brackets that the hinge connects to to cover the cut out. Ive taken it off but not thrown it.

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  2. member 65088

    member 65088 Previous Member

    I know not all inboard engines were/are watercooled, bit there are no holes that go through the entire hull at all apart from the anode bolts. No signs of newer glassing than original on the hull bottom, so definately no water inlet pipe for cooling. There are two flush fitted rod holders that are midship on the gunwhales where i would expect water and fuel filler to be though. These could have been the original use for the holes.
  3. Mr Efficiency
    Joined: Oct 2010
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    All the cooling water and exhaust were handled through the sterndrive leg. It looks like someone has made a bit of a hash of going from the inboard mode to the outboard mode, but that can be rectified, depending on how much work you are prepared to do.
  4. member 65088

    member 65088 Previous Member

    Obviously ive got the transom to do, im expwcting to have to do the lot, but will cut away in sections to see if i hit good wood. Then il rebuild it to full height and maybe even extend the stringer knees when i redo those. The boat is painted and if i put a jackplate on the stern for an outboard then most of the bad will be hidden if i cant get a great finish.
    I have the next week off work, have removed stringera and ground to clean glass on all but the last section from the bulkhead you can see in the photo looking aft. I will replace that and join to the new stringers once the transom is done as i dont want to have too much flex in the hull by cutting it all out together.
    As long as the weather isnt too bad, i should have made a decent dent in it by the end of the week though i expect it to take twice as long as i have planned for as usual!
    Il let you know how i get on
  5. Mr Efficiency
    Joined: Oct 2010
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    It's a big job. Make sure the boat is well supported while you are removing internals, or you could have it change shape on you.

  6. member 65088

    member 65088 Previous Member

    I reinforced the supports before taking anything out, and have left the transom and tied in stringers to ensure that the back doesnt flex whilst i replace the front stringers. thanks for the advice
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