Plasticity CAD $

Discussion in 'Software' started by pafurijaz, Apr 5, 2023.

  1. pafurijaz
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    Hi folks I want share a news specially for Linux user in fact is available a new CAD application named Plasticity and has a new approach in modelling and it's based on Parasolid geometric kernel the same of Siemens NX, this make this application very solid and with advance capability despite is new has already a lot of command, in fact has the command to develop surfaces and many other come in the next releases.
    Price of application is $99 for indie and $299 for Pro
    Plasticity - CAD for artists.
    Support cross platform OS Windows OSX Intel and M1 Ubuntu deb


    all these below was made by me with Plasticity during this past weeks of testing.

    Fs7zugUWwAEJceJ.jpeg Fs7zugKWIAE6OiV.jpeg Fs7zugNXwAEAEgl.jpeg Fs7zugXWwAAgH5J.jpeg

    Some cool examples on what you can do with it

    Last edited: Apr 5, 2023
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  2. CocoonCruisers
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    CocoonCruisers Junior Member

    Thanks Pafurijaz,
    didn't hear about that one, and i can see how the Parasolid kernel could make sense to produce accurate input geometry for CFD meshers or milling softs.
    Are you a Rhino user ? How'd you rate the ergonomics against Rhino ?
  3. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    Hi, I have used Rhino for work for several years, now I use Moi3D for personal things and I bought this application, although I already have Moi3D, because works with Linux, it has features and a more immediate modeling approach, however it is not mature enough to replace an application like Rhino and perhaps never will, Plasticity for now needs to be integrated into a workflow with other programs.
    I believe that Rhino has one of the interfaces and command system as fantastic as Autocad, and I have never found any other application with that kind of input.
    The fact that it has Parasolid does not affect the generation of meshes for CFD, errors can also occur with Parasolid, if you use surfaces and not modeling with solids, and the fact that Plasticity is free from the classical parametric constraints of CAD it's easy to make mistakes when modeling with surfaces.
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  4. CocoonCruisers
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    CocoonCruisers Junior Member

    Thanks a lot for the insight !
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