plastic boat building

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by durapolyboats, Sep 25, 2015.

  1. durapolyboats
    Joined: Sep 2015
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    durapolyboats Junior Member

    Any one looked at using plastic/poly for building material?
  2. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    It has no structural strength. I thought of have the municpalities pay me to take their waste plastic that they make their customers separate (most of it goes to the land fill because it cost too much to recycle it). than making rotation molded kayaks to sell to the tree huggers in Seattle, selling them for more than they can buy a tupperware kayak at Big 5, under the marketing benefit saying it is made from 100 percent recycled waste plastic. That way they can feel good about their guilt for being born and breathign air, by over paying to buy they own waste plastic back to hang in their garage, rather than going to a land fill. I figure it would be a win-win.

    The problem is I would have to add some chopped glass or stiffeners in the mold or it would be very heavy. The plastic kayaks that sit in a roof rack in the sun typically sag and loose their shape because the polymers are basically a viscus liquid. And why is usually results in very heavy structures. As a skin it would not be too bad if you could keep it from breaking down in the sunshine.

    Another way to use it I thought about as a DIY project, is to melt waste plastic and than spread it over a skin-on-frame fabric hull to use a sealant, rather than paint.

    In both cases I would have to add some UV inhibitors, all plastics break down in the sun.
  3. durapolyboats
    Joined: Sep 2015
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    durapolyboats Junior Member

    Here is one I built, its a 32' tunnel hull with two 250hp and a 40' crane. top speed 46mph. It weighs in at 13,000lbs.

    3/4" hull and 1" deck. and it dose have some recycled plastic in it and it will last 25 plus years with little maintenance.

    And when he is done I can referb it or cut it up and send it to my supplier to make another product.

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    Last edited: Sep 25, 2015
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