planing hull

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by abdo, Dec 13, 2011.

  1. aranda1984
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    aranda1984 aranda1984

    Planing or planning huills

    Come now people, think of the upcoming holydays and be nicer:
    (Santa is watching who is noughty or nice!)

    ... Abdo lives in China.
    He might not speak fluent english.

    On this forum, I have seen umpteen times planing spelled as planning and alloy called ally and many other things that should be corrected.

    I believe he just wanted verification on the correct term.

    I specifically like one terminology that distinguishes between displacement, semi displacement and planing hulls; the quarter beam buttock angle!
    Every time I hear it, I feel like an 8 year old and want to giggle...

    Another gigglecious remark: In North Vancouver (Canada) one building at the Burrard Shipyard, (for decades) was named "******** Shop".
    You could see that sign from blocks away!

    That was the source for constant giggles until they got rid of the building.

    ..and on this high note, I wish you the best.

    Merry "whatever you are having!"

    Stephen I. M.
    1 person likes this.
  2. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    Plaining hulls: those are the one's from the Great Plains, right?

  3. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    Very funy, but Microsoft does not recongise "planing". It automatically convert the word planing into planning for those who's system uses Microsoft. Go to word and enter planing. I bet you, that is modifies it to planning.
    Therefore many users unaware are being corrected by Microsoft in the wrong way. Bert
  4. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    Oh Bert, don't blame the equipment man!

    You didn't see this one coming?

    I know the tone is lost over the Internet but my intension is all quite light-hearted.

    It simply gets a bit old this plaining, planning, planing thing.

  5. Mild Bill
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    Mild Bill Well, not entirely mild.

    Microsoft may not recognize recongise, but at least on my machine running under Microsoft Windows I can type in planing and the system doesn't modify it.
  6. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    The rule of thumb is 40lbs per HP for a planing hull.
  7. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Another gigglecious remark: In North Vancouver (Canada) one building at the Burrard Shipyard, (for decades) was named "******** Shop".
    You could see that sign from blocks away!

    So in the best interest of getting this thread totarry deraired, does anyone know which one of the many Japanese horidays,is a Japanese girls favorite horiday?
    It must be ******** Day!!
  8. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Broody iriot !
  9. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    To cute, I just received a cute e-mail from a Chinese supplier, most of the Chinese are using word converters and word spellers. My Microsoft is set for English, yours probably for American, therefore, recognize is spelled differently. Also if your speller is automatic, as soon you hit the space bar, it will convert planning into planning. Do you have shares in Microsoft that you are touchy? I prefer Unix, no virusses.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2011
  10. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    Hi Tom. How are you. No, I did not see this one coming. I have so many problems on my plate, that spelling is not my first priority. It is cute to converse with the Chinese. They all use translators and word spellers. Sometimes very hilarious.
  11. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    Hilarious, good sense of humour
  12. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    Ho, Ho, Ho!

  13. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    planning a planing hull sailboat

    For a sailboat the rule of thumb is 500sq.ft. sail area per ton(2200lb).....

    For upwind planing: SCP/Total sailing weight=30% or above....(SCP, see p 178-180-Bethwaites "High Performance Sailing")
  14. Mild Bill
    Joined: Nov 2007
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    Mild Bill Well, not entirely mild.

    Just having some fun, Bert. There were actually a lot of errors in your posts #18 and #24 (e.g. "funy" instead of "funny" - why didn't your program automatically change that?). I usually just chalk such things up to people being in a rush when firing off replies/emails and ignore them, but "recongise" was just too irresistible to pass up.

    Spell checkers are of limited use, thanks to the perversity of the English language. The following sentence will pass with flying colors:

    Ewe new that eye gnu the grate plain flue threw the blew heir, knot the Read See.

    If I had bought a hell of a lot more shares in Microsoft back in the earlier days, I would now be rich enough that I wouldn't have to be programming in a Microsoft development environment that I hate, loathe, and despise with a passion which is purple in color.

    Excuse me, make that purple in colour. :D

  15. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    I fully agree with you. I wish, I also had a few hundred shares in them. But you are right, what would we have done without MS, no more people employed with virus protection programmes, no more hunderds of people involved in finding loopholes everyday. No more updates when you switch your machine off. How boring would life be then. I have to learn to moan at something else then.

    I normally copy my reply to Word and let Word does the spelling correction for me.

    When I write an e-mail in German or Dutch, as soon I hit the spacebar between the words, MS makes a hell of a mess of it. One day I will learn in how to switch it off.

    How much do I owe you for the English lessons ? Will a bottle of a decent red good South African wine do? Nothing better than a "Kaapse wijn" with your dinner
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