Pirate or business by bomb

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by watchkeeper, Mar 17, 2011.

  1. watchkeeper

    watchkeeper Previous Member

    Is this guy nuts or just got a different slant on beating the competition...

    Joseph Sloma placed pipe bombs in two boats owned by competitors, causing a fire that destroyed other boats in a Wisconsin marina

    Joseph Sloma, a charter boat captain in Wisconsin, has agreed to plead guilty to bombing two competitors’ boats in a Lake Michigan marina. Sloma made an agreement with federal prosecutors to plead guilty in exchange for a lighter sentence.

    The formal plea to using an explosive device to destroy property used in interstate commerce will be entered in federal court in Green Bay, Wisconsin on March 23, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

    In September 2009, Sloma planted a pipe bomb aboard the Trout Scout in the Salmon Harbor Marina in Kewaunee, Wisconsin. The explosion and fire destroyed that boat and two others. Sloma had previously bombed another boat, Fish Sticks, in June 2009.

    A confidential informant told authorities about Sloma seven months after the bombings took place.

    Sloma is eligible to receive a penalty of five to 20 years in prison. But prosecutors have recommended that he serve six followed by three years of supervised release. Sloma has also agreed to pay restitution, though a sum has not been set.
  2. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    We have entered "the crazy years"
  3. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Nah, always been plenty of crazies, but it does indicate you are a " senior " when you think the world has gone nuts ! :D
  4. cthippo
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    cthippo Senior Member

    There was also a recent case I heard about of a pizza parlor owner releasing live mice in his competitor's restaurants. Destruction of property and the possibility of injuring someone certainly takes it to a new level, but conceptually this sort of thing is not new.
  5. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    Yes I am a senoir, if age is the only criteria. But actually that was a quote from R. A. Heinlein, the author. He reffered to the last 30 years of the 20th century as 'the crazy years" If you need example just read about politics Republican or Democrat. Doesn't matter.
  6. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    OK thanks, my education didn't extend to Heinlin's work. :D
  7. cthippo
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    cthippo Senior Member

    Has anyone ever said "Yeah, these are pretty dull and insignificant times we're living in"? Everyone thinks their times are special. 100 years ago people said the same thing, but what do we remember about 1911?

  8. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    First of all, no one and I mean no one, "makes and plea deal" in the federal system. You either have something to offer the AUSA that they can use, in return for a spin of the sentence reduction wheel, or you're are **** out of luck, period. In fact they have very specific amounts of reduction that can be handed out, depending on what you offer. There is no deal making, they isn't any negotiating, you are literally at the mercy of the AUSA and a federal judge. Which makes be wonder about the point of this post in the first place.

    Sloma agreed to plead guilty, if he also confessed to another bombing they didn't have enough evidence to convict on. In return for the guilty plea, saving the government the bother of a trial (read substantial expense), confession and acceptance of a nul-pros of the other bombing (essentially closing that case too), the AUSA will recommend 6 years of prison time (of which he'll serve literally every hour) and an addition conditional 3 years release. The judge isn't required to accept the AUSA's recommendations, though they also are aware of the sentencing guidelines and usually do follow the AUSA's lead, if for no other reason then the familiarity the AUSA has with the situation.

    There is no good time, no early release, nor parole in the federal system. So, maybe some of you think this is a walk in the park for this Denmark farmer, but trust me, it's not. If you are sentenced to 72 months in federal prison at 8:00 am, you will be released at 8:01 am 72 months later, no if's and's or butts!
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