Pink foam - countertops?

Discussion in 'Materials' started by andysailor, Jan 21, 2019.

  1. andysailor
    Joined: May 2017
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    andysailor Junior Member

    Would pink foam be alright for
    ...a countertop?
    ... a berth?

    The supply is not very good here in Central America
  2. JamesG123
    Joined: Mar 2015
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    JamesG123 Senior Member

    With a prudent amount of fiberglass, maybe a berth platform/shelf. But not a counter top because neither the resin nor glass are particularly hard and would quickly wear through. But topped with something like formica or hardwood "butcherblock" would work.
  3. tpenfield
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    tpenfield Senior Member

    Just wondering 'supply' of what material is not very good . . . Plywood?

    Also, when you say 'pink foam', do you mean extruded polystyrene sheets (EPS) ? . . . which is the common rigid insulation sold in building supply stores.

    If you are asking about EPS sheets, you will want to coat them with something hard and strong, such as fiberglass, as mentioned. That will add to the cost and effort vs. wood. If you were to use fiberglass, the resin would need to be epoxy, not polyester or vinyl ester, else no more EPS sheet !!!

    If you were to coat the top & bottom of a 2" thick EPS sheet with epoxy/fiberglass the end result would be rather strong. . . exactly how strong? You would want to test that on some sample pieces.

    If you added glass filler to the epoxy, you could get a fairly thick and hard coating, which may be suitable as a counter top.
  4. andysailor
    Joined: May 2017
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    andysailor Junior Member

    I'm trying to save some weight...that's why I'm looking for alternatives....and it's XPS foam I have been looking at.
    Of course I would use epoxy and fiberglass to make it a strong sandwich construction....and also a layer of formica or something flat and nice looking.


  5. ondarvr
    Joined: Dec 2005
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    RVs. Some boats use Fiberglass countertops.

    Get a large sheet of glass (think old sliding glass doors) to use as a mold.

    Put raised lip around the area to make the finished edges of the counter.

    Use gel coat of the color desired, then a thin layer of glass, 1/2” or so foam, then another FG skin.

    You can make them look more like stone by using clear gel coat and stone look additives.
    Dejay likes this.
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