Piggyback a complete boat in a second hull ?

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by seasquirt, Apr 5, 2022.

  1. seasquirt
    Joined: Dec 2015
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    seasquirt Senior Member

    I was wondering if anyone has heard of, seen, or done this idea, in moderate scale; the filthy rich can do anything with motor launches, I'm talking domestic sizes.

    I have a theoretical small sailing boat, or modest trailer sailer, say 14' to 18', loaded for family fun, it is slow and cramped, but great when you get to your chosen waters. Nothing out of the ordinary yet, but:

    The yacht - dinghy, is on the back of a speedboat or semi-planing motorsailer hull, with a mostly empty stern furnished with slipper strips and cradles on which the yacht is supported, with its rudders and possible outboard motor still in the water and useable. The dinghy is strapped into the larger faster hull, and a forestay from the yacht mast connects to the speed hull, for a long, angular, lift assisting foresail, if motorsailing. Possibly a spinnaker or kite could be used if a pair of rear shrouds was connected to the stern quarters of the speed hull.

    The speed hull is like a big slipper with no heel strap, in that the bow, or most of it is a big lockup cabin with berths and cruiser facilities, and possibly a wheelhouse to the side. It is either planing, or shoal draught sailable, possibly twin keel and/or twin rudder for bottoming, with ballast, and a powerful outboard motor on one (or both), side of the fast hull, beside the small yacht's stern. It has a boat ramp in it's back end.

    The idea being two options, (or more):
    a) a fun sail boat in a speed boat, power to your spot at speed, secure the mother ship/hull, put up the mast, and use the yacht to enjoy more quiet peaceful sailing in the chosen area, returning to the mothership for amenities and change of toys, and sleeping area. Change locations quickly if unsuitable.

    b) a dinghy sail boat in a motorsailer hull, cruise over bigger seas safely to your spot, then enjoy sailing in a previously too dangerous - too far away chosen area while attached, or secure the mother ship/hull, and use the smaller yacht to explore inlets, reefs, and beaches, etc, returning for amenities and change of toys, and sleeping.

    The sail boat, and the motorised hull are independent of each other and can be used separately, when rigging and steering linkages are disconnected.

    The fast hull can have all the heavy goodies: water and fuel tanks, batteries and solar panels, generators and water makers, showers and big kitchen/dining areas, whatever, as long as it is road legal on a launching trailer, with the other yacht and all inclusive gear weight.
    Or / and, leave the little boat at home, and dock a purpose built houseboat into the fast hull and have a spacious motor launch as big as the hull can handle. So many possibilities, like a hydroplane / hydrofoil fast hull, or a mini barge with a put put diesel in it.

    I thought of this idea for my little slow 10 foot sailing dinghy; only need to register the bigger hull, not the dinghy if it has no motor; road transport and launch as one unit; have a cabin to sleep in, and keep gear dry, and locked up secure; motorsail to places much faster with a longer sleeker hull; take on longer cruises in bigger seas with more and deeper ballast with self righting; big hull has a built in lifeboat; one trailer can be used to carry and launch both together, or just one, or the other;

    CONS: bigger heavier trailer needed, possible bigger tow launch vehicle; same money would get a proper motor cruiser or motorsailer, (but less shallow/beach use unless a tender - (small boat));
    double maintenance; cradle/slipway/ strapping expense, security, and liability;

    I abandoned the idea really. It was just a thought that I took too far. Not possible on my budget anyway.

    Now I'm tired of getting sunburnt when out sailing, even while covered in layers of smelly sticky sunscreen goo, and zinc cream, and wearing a wide brimmed ungainly hat, collar turned up, sunglasses on.
    I think I want a small coastal trailer sailer wheelhouse motorsailer, to enjoy sailing out of the sun. Night sailing isn't sight seeing.
  2. Blueknarr
    Joined: Aug 2017
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    Blueknarr Senior Member

    While mega yachts can have 40 ft tenders on deck and a veritable garage full of toys.

    The modest mariners can tow an armada of toys.
  3. LP
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    LP Flying Boatman

    A nice bimini makes all of the difference in the world when it comes to keeping the sun off and staying cool. It's a BIG difference. Don't discount night sailing. Some of my favorite sails are at night.

    I think that maybe you've just answered your own query regarding the vessel that works for you. For simplicity sake, I sometimes wish for a displacement hulled vessel with a nice dependable diesel so I can go cruising in MY choice of direction, regardless of the wind.
  4. voodoochile
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    voodoochile Junior Member

    thats a way of complicating things to my mind at least.
    it sounds like (but i might be wrong) you dont really like sailing, rather the idea of sailing.

    get a motorboat, big enough to have a big enough dinghy for all your toys, you will be fast on either boats. get a bimini like someone mentioned

  5. LP
    Joined: Jul 2005
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    LP Flying Boatman

    Nope. I love sailing. It’s the time factor when sailing at 4-6 kts and sometimes dealing with unfavorable winds.
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