Picked up a really cool boat, not sure the brand?

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by frmacastan, Jun 1, 2013.

  1. frmacastan
    Joined: Jan 2012
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    frmacastan New Member

    Ive been a member on here a little while and dont really post much, but I recently found this little boat 16' long tri hull and bought it for 300$ the hull is very solid with the bottom almost flawless. The inside will hafta be redone along with some paint and what nots. I have already located a 1984 75hp merc that is in great condition with tilt and trim for 1k. I would like to see 50mph maby a litlle more out of it if possible. It says it was inspected by the coast guard in pensacola FL and thats all i know on it. i was thinking maby a well craft, glasstron, or I really dont have a Clue lol. The serial # first 3 is PNS or PN5? al it ends in 82 so i just figured its a 82 model boat.

    anyway here she is




  2. Ike
    Joined: Apr 2006
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    Ike Senior Member

    MIC: PNS Status: In Business
    Company: BLAZER BOATS INC Company Official: KEITH CRAFT
    Parent Company: Parent MIC:
    State: FL Zip: 32514
    Country: Phone: 8504782290
    Fax: 8504788701 In Business: Tuesday, October 11, 1977
    Out of Business: Date Modified: Wednesday, August 17, 2011
    Type: Outboards, Open Motorboats, Jon Boats
    Outboards, Open Motorboats, Jon Boats

    Additional Address:

    Try this. According to the USCG database they are still in business.
  3. frmacastan
    Joined: Jan 2012
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    frmacastan New Member

    i actually looked up blazer but the only conection i could find was the area. i didnt see where they built and boat like mine but i will give them a call and see what i can come up with. thanx for the help.
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