Philippines Banca 100 Islands

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by 100islands, May 30, 2013.

  1. 100islands
    Joined: May 2013
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    100islands Junior Member

    Update August 1

    Latest Updates attached, Ribs finished working on panels, and outrigger connection points.








  2. kerosene
    Joined: Jul 2006
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    kerosene Senior Member

    very very nice!
  3. rxcomposite
    Joined: Jan 2005
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    rxcomposite Senior Member

    I see you have the top transverse installed in the defining frames and the "shoe" where the outriggers rest. Nice curved art for the shoe. Like a shoe, they are deisigned to wear out due to constant flexing of the outriggers.

    Be careful when planking. Twist may introduce. Those plywood has a lot of kinetic energy when bent. Finish the second half as soon as possible or use temporary stiffening members.
  4. 100islands
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    100islands Junior Member

    Update August 6

    Stern tube chiseled out, Starting to fit engine, vibra-sorb mounts and building control console.







  5. 100islands
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    100islands Junior Member

    Duly noted, and thanks again for your input!!

  6. 100islands
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    100islands Junior Member

    Epoxy Primer

    First coat of Epoxy primer


  7. peterAustralia
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    peterAustralia Senior Member


    Would you know if it is possible to get a banca hull built in the Phillipines, say 33ft lenght, hardwood frame, marine plywood, epoxy throughout and fiberglass over the plywood. How much in US dollars would it cost to get a hull like that commissioned. Not sure if your the right person to ask, but thought it may be worth a go
  8. 100islands
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    100islands Junior Member

    Propulsion system installation

    Update --- Installing propulsion system- Engine, pillow blocks, vibration absorbers, and Python drive system w/thrust bearing.






  9. 100islands
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    100islands Junior Member

    Sept 3 Update

    First coat of Epoxy Enamel paint. 2 & 3 will be sprayed on. Engine mounted and tested. Hanger was re designed with heavier stainless plate.










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  10. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    Thank you for all the updated pictures. I've been enjoying the thread.
  11. 100islands
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    100islands Junior Member

    We are thinking about the Auto Throttle Gov factory installed on this engine. From what i read in the manual this is a sort of mechanical speed control common on these engines.

    I have never used any type of throttle control on a boat, I can understand its use on a Bobcat or another type of tractor, however my question for RX or anyone else is -- is this advisable for this type of propulsion system? I imagine that setting the throttle at a certain speed RPM and the engine maintaining it would be good, however im not sure how it would handle down slowing down and when the boat comes off plane, the engine should want to increase RPM as the drag increased? Anyone tested this?


    From the Manual:

    Engine is equipped with a centrifugal flyweight mechanical governor. It is designed to hold engine speed constant under changing load conditions. Governor gear/flyweight mechanism is mounted inside crankcase on closure plate, and is driven off gear on camshaft.

    This governor design works as follows:
    ** Centrifugal force acting on rotating governor gear assembly causes flyweights to move outward as speed increases. Governor spring tension moves them inward as speed decreases.

    ** As flyweights move outward, they cause regulating pin to move outward.
    ** Regulating pin contacts tab on cross shaft causing shaft to rotate. One end of cross shaft protrudes through
    crankcase. Rotating action of cross shaft is transmitted to throttle lever of carburetor through external linkage.
    ** When engine is at rest, and throttle is in FAST position, tension of governor spring holds throttle plate open. When
    engine is operating, governor gear assembly is rotating. Force applied by regulating pin against cross shaft tends to close throttle plate. Governor spring tension and force applied by regulating pin balance each other during operation, to maintain engine speed.
    ** When load is applied and engine speed and governor gear speed decreases, governor spring tension moves governor lever to open throttle plate wider. This allows more fuel into engine, increasing engine speed. As speed reaches governed setting, governor spring tension and force applied by regulating pin will again offset each other to hold a steady engine speed.
  12. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    That engine type is almost always equipped with that kind of centrifugal governor and I can't imagine a situation where you would ever try to run without one. We installed an 18HP Honda twin in a remote controlled catamaran, for propulsion power, and it was very well-behaved with the mechanical governor, even in very rough water conditions.
  13. rxcomposite
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    rxcomposite Senior Member

    Well for one, you will void the warranty. Second, your prop is not yet on the optimum setting. You need the engine to perform at its best.

    I have had some instances where the marine engine reps would adjust the governor (of the big engines), but not much and only with the blessings of the service rep boss. They are loading the engine but probably within limits,

    On a personal experience, I tinkered with a small horsepower single piston air cooled engine and was not able to replace properly the governor. It got stuck on the high side. The engine run but it sounded like it was trying to destroy itself.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2013
  14. 100islands
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    100islands Junior Member

    Looks like well be keeping the GOV intact. Kohler replied back to us finally they said they only heard of people removing the GOV for AIRBOAT, do to the way the prop was rotating and the pitch of the blades would limit the RPM.



  15. 100islands
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    100islands Junior Member

    Update Nov

    Launched, without engine and gear will install on the beach. We are now attaching the outriggers couple more days until sea trials. More pics soon after engine and propulsion re-installation.







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