Peterson 1/4 Ton to save?

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Bluewhale, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. Canracer
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    Canracer Senior Member

    Nice write up. I was self employed for a couple years. I found a good CPA and I followed his advice. Saved every receipt and kept them well organize.

    The scenario above is about donating a boat to charity and then taking a deduction based on the value of that donation. I think that you're talking about deducting some part of a boat that is used for business.
    Last edited: May 3, 2014
  2. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    either way, you have to have taxable income to be able for any deduction to be of any benefit. And as posted above, if it was worth $3000, and you are in a 36 percent bracket, it might save you $1080 in extra taxes. that is if no one ever challenges the value of the donation.
  3. Canracer
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    Canracer Senior Member

    The fact that taxable income must be earned before a deduction can be taken, was never in doubt. That is just some kind of confusion that was born from within the chain of comments.
    Last edited: May 3, 2014
  4. Canracer
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    Canracer Senior Member

    The fact that taxable income must be earned before a deduction can be taken, was never in doubt. That is just some kind of confusion that was born from within the chain of comments.
  5. woudaboy
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  6. Canracer
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    Canracer Senior Member

    Wow, absolute diamond in the rough. A buyer would be insane not to jump at this deal. Here in South Florida, a pressure washer is 25 bucks for 1/2 day.

    PS. Spend whatever it takes (small potatoes) to get the beast surveyed by a pro.
  7. Canracer
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    Canracer Senior Member

    Worth $621.

    A schmidge less than my prediction, but just about exactly what I calculated.

    I see a strong boat that had a dedicated PO.
  8. inturdor
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    inturdor Junior Member

    1974 peterson 25' 1/4 ton

    It Now Lives In Lake Oroville Ca,


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  9. inturdor
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    inturdor Junior Member

    Petersen 25 design #14?, built in USA, From Facebook 2021 "Probably the first of Doug's designs to go into production. First as the Petersen 25, then as the Poseidon Yachts 25 (after some re-capitalization of the company). The tooling eventually went through a few more hands before finally being cut up by Teel Brothers Boatworks when they closed. So there are fully finished production racer/cruisers, fully finished flush deck racers, and various kit boats out there from this tooling."


    Kelly US Peterson 25 1976, ex "Wild Hair Jr"?!;
    Mint Milk
    BUL 1 Peterson 25/ Odessos 25 ?;
    River Horse
    Peterson Quarter Ton, Design #14, From Facebook 2021 "Probably the first of Doug's designs to go into production. First as the Petersen 25, then as the Poseidon Yachts 25 (after some re-capitalization of the company). The tooling eventually went through a few more hands before finally being cut up by Teel Brothers Boatworks when they closed. So there are fully finished production racer/cruisers, fully finished flush deck racers, and various kit boats out there from this tooling. It looks like Diane Beeston was hired for a shoot, either by the builder or by a magazine that was doing a story on the boat. So we have more than 30 images from that shoot.";
    Tight Squeeze US Peterson 25 1973, info and pictures from Dutch QT Facebook 2021: From in San Franciso long ago. Thanks for sharing Craig Ryan Montague
  10. inturdor
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  11. inturdor
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  12. inturdor
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