Pete Culler 1840 british cutter for Bruce Northrup, plans

Discussion in 'Wooden Boat Building and Restoration' started by dave2700, Aug 27, 2020.

  1. dave2700
    Joined: Aug 2020
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    dave2700 Junior Member

    what are the negative things about having all the ballast on the inside
  2. DCockey
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    DCockey Senior Member

    Two potential downsides of all inside ballast.

    Higher center of gravity which results in decreased stability (assuming same draft and same amount of ballast). Some reproductions of traditional style boats of types which originally had all cargo/ballast inside have been built with at least some ballast outside on the bottom of the keel to meet stability regulations as passenger for hire or school vessels.

    If the ballast is not secure it can shift in a knock-down. In a worst case situation the shifted ballast can prevent the boat from recovering.
  3. dave2700
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    dave2700 Junior Member

    this is the one i was worried about but i can lett a NA look at it and tell me what the minnium ballast is going to be and change the construktion plans acordingly?
  4. DCockey
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    DCockey Senior Member

    I doubt Culler's plans include anything about securing inside ballast. That is the type of detail he would have assumed the builder would know.

  5. dave2700
    Joined: Aug 2020
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    dave2700 Junior Member

    oh sorry i dident finish my post i ment to put the minimum ballast on the outside
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