Pete Culler 1840 british cutter for Bruce Northrup, plans

Discussion in 'Wooden Boat Building and Restoration' started by dave2700, Aug 27, 2020.

  1. dave2700
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    dave2700 Junior Member

    i know about the lofting and how to build the boat it was the bit of getting the ofsets for the lofting where i had questions

    what do you think abou the boat?
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I had not realized that you are answering in this thread. My deepest apologies. I think, however, you still want the same as at the beginning. With the offset table, if that's what you mean, you can't build a ship, you need to develop the construction plans (lofting is the first task). But I guess you already know that. So let me ask you, with what plans do you ask if I could build the ship?.
    About the boat, what we know about it is very beautiful but, as has already been said before, its design should be checked and adapted to current conditions and regulations.
  3. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I could. It depends on your skill level. Being a traditional design, it will have typical construction details and scantlings for the era. A table of offsets and a lines plans are equivalent, but different ways of presenting the same data. Do you plan on building it?
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Not really. You can't fair the lines with the table of offsets, you allways need the lines plan.
  5. dave2700
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    dave2700 Junior Member

    well you can build the boat with only the table of ofsets and a construction plan. you just use the table of ofstets to do the lofting and thats when you fair the lines.
  6. dave2700
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    dave2700 Junior Member

    I was just wondering if you thougt if it is sensible to build the boat with correct checks from someone who knows what they are doing?
  7. dave2700
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    dave2700 Junior Member

    maybe some day
  8. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I agree. What I want to say is that, using a 1/100, 1/10 or 1/1 scale drawing (on paper, on a board or on the computer), it is convenient to loft the lines, which, only with the table oif offsets, of course, is not possible.
    In my opinion, which may not coincide with that of others, it would not only be sensible but also essential for someone expert to review the information you have, complete it, if any information is missing, and also check that the construction process is correct and it has enough detail, according to your experience.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2020
  9. dave2700
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    dave2700 Junior Member

    when you mean that someone should check on my work do you mean for my safety or is there a rule?
  10. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Your safety comes first, of course, but depending on what you want to do with your boat, the boat may have to meet certain standards and regulations.
  11. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Besides fairing the lines, you get the patterns for everything.
  12. dave2700
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    dave2700 Junior Member

    are you a boat builder?
  13. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I am a shipwright and a mechanical engineer.
  14. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Not boat builder, not boat designer?

  15. dave2700
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    dave2700 Junior Member

    cool my dad is a wooden boat builder he builds smaler wooden boats
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