Personal Aircraft Carrier

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Toot, Sep 15, 2006.

  1. jg451
    Joined: Jul 2010
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    jg451 Junior Member

    To Marshmat
    The Kreigsmarine used a winch system for their Flettner(yes the guy who gave use the rotorship)282 Helicopter being flown off a minesweeper(operationally!) in the Adriatic during '44. Google 'historic helicopters flettner 282, fasinating stuff.

  2. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    Quadrotor Helicopter, Etc

    Haven't read this subject thread thru, but just a couple of quick addtions,

    1) How about that concrete aircraft carrier that the Brits built a prototypt of during WWII?
    2) Launching traditional fighter aircraft....isn't the next big thing the linear electrical launch system (can't think of proper name at the moment)...electro magnetic in nature?
    3) Isn't the world really headed towards UAV' the planes of the future won't have to be that heavy, and the ships won't have to provide that huge life-support systems?
    4) How about this craft:

    Aggressive Maneuvers for Autonomous Quadrotor Flight!
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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    Of course the Gyrocopter has none of the complexity of a helicopter , takes far less time to learn , and can take off and land with zero foward air speed , if configured with a simple pre- rotor.

    There are some designs that are large enough for passenger carrying.

    None are fuel efficient , but fine for that first 100 miles to port.

  4. boybland
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    boybland Junior Member

  5. brian eiland
    Joined: Jun 2002
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    I hope that wasn't directed in response to the Quad-rotor helicoper...two different animals

    Unsafe beast
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