Performance offshore cruiser

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Biscayan, Aug 31, 2024.

  1. Biscayan
    Joined: Aug 2024
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    Biscayan New Member

    I am looking for a long range performance cruiser with the following features:

    LOA 36-42ft monohull
    Easy to sail singlehandedly
    Able to make long single-day runs
    Good all-rounder (not only tradewinds sailing)
    Interior cozy enough (not just plastic) to expend time onboard
    Ideally aluminium and no more than 20 years old

    I love the Cigale 14 and her concept and sailing performance, but I think she is going to be too demanding for solo cruising (first hand experiences very welcome). Also, I do not need a second bathroom and the third cabin. Any similar alternatives few feet smaller?

  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Biscayan.

    Re the Cigale, built by Alubat, have you also looked for smaller Ovnis (also built by Alubat) for sale?
    Here is an Ovni 365 that is less than 20 years old - there are also various Ovnis for sale on line that are older.
    ALUBAT OVNI 365 2011 Used Boat for Sale in La Trinité-sur-Mer, France

    And here is a Garcia 43 for sale - she was built in 1985, but she seems to be in good condition, and her asking price of US$ 182,000 is a fraction of the cost of a new build today.

    What is your budget for this project?
  3. Biscayan
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    Biscayan New Member

    I had not considered Ovnis as good performance cruisers, specially upwind (although I never sail on them, so please correct me if I am wrong). I suppose all centreboards, to a greater or lesser extent, will perform lower than a well designed fixed keel.

    My budget is around 250.000-300.000 euros.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2024
  4. Rumars
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    Rumars Senior Member

    I think you need to adapt your expectations to your budget. A design that checks all your boxes is the Ice Mint 40 Ice Mint 40' but it's not like there's a ton of them out there on the second hand market. I don't know if a new build is possible for your money.

    1. live with the performance existing Al designs have.
    2. accept fiberglass as the default hull material.

    If you accept fiberglass there are a ton of boats out there, even an older raceboat can be refitted with a nice interior at the expense of some speed, and could probably still fit the budget.
  5. Biscayan
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    Biscayan New Member

    Regrettably, a new one-off is more expensive than my budget.

    And, although I prefer aluminium, I do not mind fiberglass. But, if possible, I would try to avoid a major refit.

    I understand that my expectations are high... at the beginning. But, in case I cannot find what I am looking for, I would aim a bit lower... By the moment, I am optimistic.
  6. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Garcia also used to build the 42' aluminium round bilge Maracujas - these have a swing keel, rather than a centreboard.
    Here is one that was for sale -

    And one in France that looks like it is a bit of a project -

    I used to sail with some friends on theirs 30 years ago, and she was a lovely boat - very comfortable, and surprisingly quick.
    They crossed the Atlantic from the Canaries to Barbados in 14 days - they flew a pair of poled out genoas the whole way, wound up the keel and surfed, averaging 200 miles every day.
  7. philSweet
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    philSweet Senior Member

    The Beneteau Oceanis 41 came in a two cabin, one bath version and is in the price range.
  8. Biscayan
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    Biscayan New Member

    Thanks for your replies.

    Any other options?

  9. Rumars
    Joined: Mar 2013
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    Rumars Senior Member

    Pogo 10.50, Pogo 12.50, Pogo 40. Should all fit your budget with some leftover for new stuff you might need or want.
    bajansailor likes this.
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