Pelicano 20 - Pelicano 23

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by M4R1N, Nov 12, 2024.

  1. M4R1N
    Joined: Oct 2023
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    Location: Turkey

    M4R1N Junior Member

    Hi, I have a past with sailing boats but I want to build a power boat. I have in mind pelicano 20 or 23 but I have a few questions in my mind

    1) I want to build the boat with strip planking method, plywood prices are quite high in Turkey, I don't have high speeds in mind, even 10 15 knots is more than enough for me, so I think the hull can resist, is this possible?

    2) I do not have a very high budget for the engine, I had in mind to build a pelicano 20 and drive it with a 20 Hp honda, as I said, I do not have high speeds in mind, what is important for me is a low fuel consumption. Can a 20 Hp outboard motor take a 20ft boat to 10 knots?

    3) In Turkey, there are 10-15 Hp single cylinder diesel engines at very reasonable prices and their fuel efficiency is quite acceptable for me. What should I do if I want to power the boat with an inboard engine?

    4) I don't want to add a skeg to the hull if possible, I want to build it with a shaft bracket and a paddle rudder as I want as little friction as possible, but sometimes I may need to go through the Bosphorus I'm not sure how much the skeg will help me.

    5) I am thinking of using a steering stick to save as much space on the boat as possible and to be more comfortable while trolling, but I am not sure if the steering stick will cause discomfort during long cruises. I doubt that steering the boat with a stick for 2-3 hours can be uncomfortable.

    6) I can also consider the pelicano 18 model, is 20 hp enough for an 18 ft boat ?

    thanks for helps : )
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2024
  2. bajansailor
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    The Pelicanos are designed by Sam Devlin - you could try emailing him and see what his thoughts are re your post above?

    Here is a link to the Pelicano 20
    Pelicano 20 | Devlin Designing Boat Builders

    And the Pelicano 23
    Search results for "pelicano 23 " | Devlin Designing Boat Builders

    And the Pelicano 18
    Search results for "pelicano 18 " | Devlin Designing Boat Builders

    You should look for a design that has a small diesel engine - I just had a look through Sam Devlin's other designs, and something like this 22' Godzilla might be suitable?
    Note that she has a very different hull form to the Pelicanos.
    Godzilla 22 | Devlin Designing Boat Builders
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