Patrol Boat Design Structure

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by sifundo, Mar 6, 2014.

  1. Fanie
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    Fanie Fanie

    LOL, I can see why it's called comedy of the hour :D

    Like those white hoods too, do they help for toxin's ? :rolleyes:

    Do you guys always ask if someone is "serious, mate" in a situation...? Does this mean you are mates but you're not mates ? :p

    I enjoyed that...
  2. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    Maybe we caught the "serious" thing from an American tennis player..... & just check with our mates if they are really serious...... or not..... as the case may be......
    Sea Patrol is great.... best recruitment tool besides real conflict...
    Best part is when anything is gunna happen, the scene breaks to an underwater shot of sterngear engaging & spinning up.
    We used to wear those gunners hoods or flash gear on composites jobs for grinding, with the tyveck suit taped up at the sleeves & ankles very little ever got down our necks.

    Here's another take, some real people & some exercises & typical fishing vessel interception.

  3. Fanie
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    Fanie Fanie

    Hi Jeff,

    What on earth would you do with a 9mm on a boat (unless you have to defend your sleeping bunk or decide who goes to the head first) :eek:
    Or is it only to keep the crew busy between meals getting rust out ?

    Yes well if you drag the Americans into this then expect, well, really anything :p
    America has changed.

    Something a bit more realistic.

    I like the Russians, they have it right. Best real life exercises.
    I'm actually surprised there are not more heavily armed adrenalin junkies doing Somali coast drive by's. Make it a sport...
  4. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Life jackets save lives. :rolleyes:
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  5. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    Plenty of stuff done on ships to keep the crew busy, I'm sure the crews carry side arms when boarding illegal fishing vessels etc.
    I'll check your vids tomoz, late here & battery flat, the Russians usually capturing Aussies lately.
  6. sifundo
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    sifundo Junior Member

    Thank you all for your inputs, greatly appreciated!!!
  7. Fanie
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    Fanie Fanie

    There you go...

    Attached Files:

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  8. kerosene
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    kerosene Senior Member

    you guys get entertained by weird ****.
  9. Brolga
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    Brolga New Member

    sifundo - seriously if you are going to organise the construction of this patrol boat you need a custom designed plan for that specific purpose, would need serious strengthening to support gunposts etc. Presume there would be Naval Architects locally that have done this type of vessel previously, serious costs involved for sure
    good luck
  10. sifundo
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    sifundo Junior Member

    Hello BertKU, thanks for the information, just one more enquiry, given the following circumstances under what summary task will I place each of the above mentioned jobs, given: Summary Tasks – 1. Weapon Systems, 2. Mechanical Engineering, 3. Superstructure, 4. Assemble the bridge, 5. Engine, 6. Hull and 7. Armanents

  11. Westfield 11
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    Westfield 11 Senior Member

    Are armaments different from weapon systems?

    If you were to install the engine before you built the hull, you would have a lot better access which would lower labor costs. You could build the entire interior at the same time to take advantage of easy access for the plumbing and wiring. At the same time you could build the superstructure with all the armaments and weapons and then lower it onto the engine and interior. Finally you could build the hull onto the outside of everything once you had everything else completed.
  12. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    Look sifundo, the lot as described above is so interwoven with each other, you need one good Naval Architect to work a basic plan out. It is no good to give an order to Denel and then discover that the shipyard did not make provision for electrical wiring for your weaponry. Or the hull is being designed, without taken into consideration that Denel is going to make a 5 ton long tom cannon , while the shipyard has a 8mm pistol in mind.
    You need to have a cup of coffee with a Naval architect. The information you have supplied is too flimsy to stay safe.
  13. sifundo
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    sifundo Junior Member

    Hello BertKU and members, I just want to find out if any of you would happen to know a site where they will have a sketch of a Patrol Boat with all of the parts pointed and labelled or if any of you does have that kind of a sketch to just post it please.
  14. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Knowledge is power. I am careful with whom I will share it. I have built nothing capable of supporting weaponry.

  15. Westfield 11
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    Westfield 11 Senior Member

    I find that to be a bit far fetched. A loaded AK-47 is under 3 kilos IIRC and a grenade launcher is not much more. Do you design and build model boats? If a boat will support a human, it will also carry his weapons. And I believe that in the landmass north of Cuba if your weaponry is small enough you can carry it around in your pocket, legally. And use it to shoot kids armed with Skittles candy.
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