Party pontoon! with upperdeck waterslide!

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by savantelite, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. savantelite
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    savantelite Junior Member

    All my rowdy freinds are coming boating tonight! Or at least I am hoping to build a fun place for my buddies to come hang out on the lake.

    So far I found a metal fabrication place on the internet boat.htm

    Its a 25' pontoon 10' wide with 28" pontoons. The upper deck will be closer to the middle of the boat and the slide will be off the back port side. Its calculated to hold 4,700 pounds, or when the toons are half submurssed. I plan to keep the empty with no furniture except the captains chair. Its been inspired by the music video "Pontoon" by Little Big Town. Everyone just brings there chair.

    Here is where I need help
    1. Where can I find a slide???
    2. What are my insurance and liability for this kind of boat?
  2. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Do some googling.

    Water slides on the stern of tour boats are popular in the Mediterranean.

    I think that those playground slides made of plastic for small children are the same. you might Google playground gear.

    If the slide doesnt work out, perhaps go with a Human Catapult. FIRE !!!
  3. savantelite
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    savantelite Junior Member

    The party boat just got better!
  4. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Id go catapult. Pontoon should be a perfect launch platform.

    Get the poles , bungee cord right and you can generate decent throw weight.

    You might pickup a few crash test dummies for practice.

    [​IMG] upload pics
  5. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    Don't yell "FIRE" on a boat no matter what activity you're up to.

    10' beam on a pontoon boat... why didn't you go wider, you need a permit to trailer it either way...

    Rollover from excessive drunk roof loading is not uncommon on those things.

    Wider spaced pontoons would have reduced drag at speed and risk of rollover when improperly loaded.

    Oh ya, the slide, ahhhh pool supplies outlet?

    50% reserve buoyancy on pontoons is an extremely dangerous statistic.

    You got insurance for that?
  6. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Aww Jeez... Just call the party barge ... "Your Risk "............ Dem's dat died were the lucky ones.

    Then Contact Hollywood and go Reality TV. Let the film studio worry about lawyers and liability
  7. savantelite
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    savantelite Junior Member

    I like the wider idea. Going 12 foot was debated and with the extra info, I will make that switch. In Montana, I just have to run flashers:)

    The slide is still a problem. I called Premier pontoons who have a pontoon model with the slide I desire, but they don't want to sell it. They thought there is a problem with the liability. Then gave me a $2500 price tag.

    Sigh, still searching for the last peice:(
  8. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    Liability... really!?

    Pool supply?
  9. savantelite
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    savantelite Junior Member

  10. Village_Idiot
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    Village_Idiot Senior Member

    You could always build your own slide. Build the basic framework, then cover the "slide" part with that "Krazy Karpet" stuff they sell at hardware stores for kids to slide on snow. It's hard slick plastic that rolls up - you would just need to get it to lose it's "roll-up" memory, then tack it down on the slide like you would shingle a roof. If you want to get fancy, you could bevel/feather the edges. Would likely be a lot slipperier (is that a word?) than a commercial slide.
  11. claydog
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    claydog Junior Member

    A quick look at Home Depots site and I found a couple of choices in the outdoor recreation section.:)
  12. savantelite
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    savantelite Junior Member

    I have seen many of the children size slides. They have bumps all the way down. I am thinking more adult entertainment with a steeper drop and almost a jump at the end.

    It looks like I will have to build it though. I have seen some youtube videos of large slides, but not much on the material to build them. Please chime in with any ideas.
  13. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Bailed out bankers, African dictators and Oilmen use these

    Perhaps they sell a simple taxpayer size model ?

    You Might have a look

  14. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Search for "fiberglass pool slides" and you will find hundreds of suppliers.

  15. Squidly-Diddly
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    Squidly-Diddly Senior Member

    Click my handle and see my gallery for large dis-mountable (hence trailer-able) pontoon.

    Not as quick from trailer to water as a "scissors" but should be cheaper, simpler, more robust and up-grade-able.

    Since you plan to custom build in the first place.
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